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Oneiro update for 18 December 2021

Oneiro Version 1.2

Share · View all patches · Build 7908277 · Last edited 19 December 2021 – 04:13:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey everyone, felt like it was time to get yet another update out there for this game. This update is a rather important one for any newcomers, introducing a whole tutorial teaching some of the most important mechanics to the player.

For those who've played the game already, this update acts more as polishing/bug fixing, as well as adding two new steam achievements.

Version 1.2 Changelog

Major Additions
  • Tutorial was added. This is a couch in the players house; should be the very first thing they see. This is a predetermined area that is meant to teach the player the basics of the game.
  • Minotaur has stomping sounds as he's charging now.
  • Karambit Counter has a prep sound now.
  • Terror has some sound play when he crashes into the land
Bug Fixes
  • Fix to a softlock that could occur after defeating a boss.
  • Fix to a softlock regarding a weird interaction between the Pocket Bonfire and Spike Traps
  • Fix to a softlock occurring when summoning the Shadow Beast.
  • Prevented tedious exploit that would allow you to get infinite time in the labyrinth.
  • Weapons are more responsive to single mouse clicks to attack.
  • Spiders have been patched a little.
  • They'll attack more accurately now.
  • They will only detect you when you're grounded. Felt a little more accurate to spiders, as they can feel vibrations.
  • Spiders shouldn't move in circles now.
  • Minotaur should no longer have a chance to run out of the arena if the player teleports.
  • Pitfalls trigger accurately on pieces that the Shadow Beast hauls downwards.
  • Sleep Medication now has a chance to drop from all enemies. Whoops. Silly mistake on the code end of things that prevented it from dropping from enemies that didn't have other gear drop from them.
  • There's been a lot of tweaking for the Shadow Beast's land movement, and should be more consistent. Also fixed a bug that happened when he moved pitfalls.
  • Pause button will act more responsive.
  • Adjusted the default keybinding for Gear Switch. Changed it from "D-Pad Up" to the "Y" button for Xbox controllers.
  • Imps will now have a better visual indicator for when they appear behind the player. They now light up a larger radius when appearing.
  • The "Landless Hallway" chunk will now have a chance to spawn with all spikes. This feels very cool to use a grapple hook to go through.
  • Added the "Hearty" Achievement. Acquire 300 or more max health.
  • Added the "Porcupine" Achievement. Impale a single enemy with 3 or more spears.

If you read about the last update, you'll notice there's no Night Terror difficulty in this version; I decided to release the tutorial early since it was finished. No reason in keeping it to myself. Night Terror plans have been moved to Version 1.3.


Version - December 21st, 2021

Small patch was put out to address couple minor issues that bugged me.

  • No longer possible to get stuck in the loading screen by pausing.
  • A typo was fixed in the Tutorial labyrinth.
Windows English Oneiro Content Depot 1235801
  • Loading history…
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