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Andalia update for 18 December 2021

Christmas Update

Share · View all patches · Build 7907423 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello there!

Christmas is right around the corner. Since we are all busy nowaways, I have hurried up to get this update ready.

First off and most importantly, this update includes a new progression system that records and quantifies your achievements in Andalia.

From now on, whenever you complete a game (won or defeated) you will gain personal experience points in the civilisation you've been playing with.

These experience points add up to levels that are a rough measurement for how far you've gotten with this particular civilisation. Your experience points are also synchronized with your Steam account. That way they are recorded across devices.

Further features and changes

  • Arrows and other missiles have been visually modified so they are easier to see.

  • A small number has been added to the „select idle workers“ – button, indicating how many workers are currently inactive. In case of goblins this will only count them if they've pursued work before turning idle.

  • The sprite has received a further spell „Tree Lore“ that should support its scouting activity. Trees that are enchanted with this spell will contribute to your view for the duration of 7 minutes.

  • The two spells of the geomant „rock shower“ and „earth crack“ have received a little bit of fixing work and visual enhancement. Most importantly, falling rocks of the rock shower should now always hit the ground and actually damage enemy units rather than often falling through the bottom instead.

Bug fixes

  • Large units should now be able to move through the wall gates of Bastion and Refuge.
  • Large units should no longer end up in the void after entering the underworld.
  • The „Commander of the Army“ – achievement is now unlocked once the population slots are exhausted rather than waiting for all recruitments to be completed.
  • Missiles should no longer show up in the fog of war.
  • Building destruction sounds should no longer play if the volume is completely turned off in the settings.
Windows 64-bit Andalia Content Depot 1743881
  • Loading history…
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