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Fireworks Mania update for 18 December 2021


Share · View all patches · Build 7907227 · Last edited 18 December 2021 – 13:52:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


  • Turned off this "black ground" in the horizon - looked stupid
  • Changed sun and moon position from being "Realistic" to be "Simple". This should hopefully avoid the scenario where the moon sometimes wasn't present at night
  • Removed the "steam" at the spawn location in the City, as it was kind of weird to spawn more or less directly in steam
  • Increased the "glow" of various materials related to the "Tools", so they should glow a bit more like they use to do. We cannot get enough glow right?
  • Increased the "glow" of some of the native materials in the game used for fireworks, which should result is slightly more glowing and better looking firework effects
  • Decreased the stars intensity, as they were a bit too shining and therefore was a little distracting when looking at the fireworks
  • Adjusted the ambient light in all maps to make the shadow side of objects a bit darker. I turned it up to make the game be a bit lighter and easier to see, but it just makes parts of the world, depending on the light, look way to flat, so I'm trying this out now and think it looks better now
  • Lowered ambient sound in City, Flat and Ranch - just a tiny bit
  • Updated translations


  • Fixed the bug where smoke in general sometimes turned almost black, should be much less now, meaning smoke, especially smoke related fireworks, looks much better now, even at night time
Windows Fireworks Mania Content Depot 1079261
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