Space Police patrol ships have been added! They will enforce the Safe Zone around stations.
There are two small patrol ships for now but more will be added soon - thanks to the builder Popka Akula and 5URG3!
Some quality of life improvements to the blueprint loading experience have also been added.
New Features and Improvements:
- Space Police: Space Police ships are now patrolling around the stations
- Space Police: If a ship breaks the safe zone rules Space Police patrol ships will warn then strike back
- Space Police: Station Safe zone HUD element will reflect the player current hostile status
- NPC: Various improvements have been made to the NPCs hostile behavior
- Game Performance: Garbage Collection greatly reduced in idle and during tutorial phase: it means that small hiccups have been reduced
- Blueprint Load: filter added
- Blueprint Load: Can now filter on Workshop or Local blueprints
- Blueprint Load: A new Blueprint Preview side window has been added: it shows a larger picture and some info on the blueprint
- (you will need to re-export your blueprint to see those info)
- Physics engine: depenetration logic was updated. This fixes the twitchy handheld drop
- Physics engine: smarter collision sfx
- World Generation: Less stations are being generated on startup, leading to faster load time
- Tutorial: various improvements
- Community Suggestion:
- #4337 Blueprint information preview
- #4346 Issue with handheld with no primary handle
- #4348 Handheld: issue when there is only a single handheld at Secondary
- #4352 Spawned Blueprint can collide with large ship
- #4353 Spawned Pirate Blueprint not aggressive
- Various handheld issues
- Various Hull Point and repair issues
Thanks for playing!
Changed files in this update