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Forsaken Portals update for 18 December 2021

The community update

Share · View all patches · Build 7905803 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 13:10:40 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Happy holidays!

This update brings several improvements, mostly based on community feedback. Thank you for your suggestions, we have taken them on board.


There is now the possibility to browse blueprints while on the ship. We have called this feature database because it can be extended in the future to show more information.
Hotkey: K

Move Items Easily

Items of the same type can now be moved with a simple Shift + Click and no longer have to be clicked on individually. The same principle also works when buying or selling items. If the button is clicked with the Shift key held down, as many items as possible are bought/sold.

Map Icon Captions

Especially at the beginning it is difficult to remember the meaning of icons on the map, so we have added labels.


Enemies are more likely to drop a card instead of a blueprint now. With this change, we are trying to reduce the grind a bit at this point.

Ship Adjustments

  • SU Jellyfish: +25% travel speed
  • SU Tadpole: +35% travel speed
  • Sirus X: +33% travel speed
  • Elusive Anger: +38% travel speed
  • G-Nuria: +42% travel speed
  • SU Dolphin: +25% travel speed
  • G-Harbringer: +25% travel speed
  • C-8472: +8% travel speed
  • Eldrin: +13% travel speed

The builder ship that follows you to build a station for you has also been adjusted. It's much faster now, so you usually don't have to wait for its arrival.


The identification chip required for participation in a tournament can now alternatively be purchased at any stadium. It is still cheaper to craft this chip yourself. However, if you run out of this chip, it can now be purchased.

The Final Battle

The final battle was not well balanced. In order not to spoil anything here, we will only give you the following information:
The fight has been completely reworked and should now be much more exciting.

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