Version: ALPHA 211217
Grid with game buttons in pause menu
Version for saves with incompatibility check
Removed unnecessary shadow of USB ports
Distance from object detail level
Reduced number of lamps for less unnecessary shadow overlaps
Reworked player movement
Reworked physics-based object grabbing system
Reworked cables
1U Server power button texture
Level of detail distance of equipments
Equipment could move even when installed in the rack
Computer Crash Cart where the typed command did not appear
The "rac list" command crashed the operating system when there was no device connected via USB
The "help" command does not finish to enter a new command
Physics of the Computer Crash Cart so that it cannot be dropped with the player's body
0.5m and 1.5m cable lengths
Improved controller support
Menus for 21:9 screens
When the two USB connectors of the same cable were connected to the computer crash cart, the operating system crashes on the "rac list" command
Other minor fixes
Known bugs:
- Cables can break the connection to the connector when disconnected from equipment
Temporary solution: Destroy and spawn a new cable
Alpha access via Ko-Fi:
Changed files in this update