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Rise & Fall update for 18 December 2021

[TEST BRANCH] Networking Arrives!

Share · View all patches · Build 7905349 · Last edited 18 December 2021 – 00:39:10 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Hey guys!

Biggg stuff coming in the next few months.

We've finally crossed a huge milestone, and gotten (very basic) networking working in our game.

So if you don't mind playing a very rough, extremely limited version of the game online,

Jump on over to the test branch!


In the main menu, click 'online'.

It will take you to a lobby where you can create and join rooms.

The room names can be whatever you like.

The rotation on the players is getting locked for some reason,

Has something to do with the Aim Component not releasing control after you change camera angles.

Will work on next week.


Added an 'art' button that will let you view concept artwork of the game.

It's on a random cycle when you press next, eventually we'll add some way to cycle in order or with groups.

Just wanted to get some of the amazing artwork into the game for people to see!

Will continue iterating on it over time.


-Goal is to continue adding things into the networked level and eventually get all the regular game features working online
-Merge in some new experimental features like a dedicated game manager, cosmetics, character creation and saving.. and a lot more!


Changed depots in dave-test branch

View more data in app history for build 7905349
Unused Beta Depot 1332842
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