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Solo ReflectioN! update for 17 December 2021

UPDATE 0.86 - FPS Fix From 46 FPS to 60 FPS & Bank Bubble Fees Have Been Fixed!

Share · View all patches · Build 7905210 · Last edited 18 December 2021 – 00:09:18 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

There has been a fix made to adjust the FPS maximum of around 46 or 47 fps to 60 fps now. This is actually a Windows update problem that makes Windows put 2D games like this game as such a low priority that the game doesn't run as fast as it should. This fix works around that Windows update so that this game will run at it's intended and correct 60 fps.

This update also corrects some erroneous bank fees that would sometimes happen when you blow a bank bubble.

The fee to blow a bank bubble is always 10% of your total coins together added up rounded up to the nearest copper. This fee has not changed.

But now with this update, instead of seeing a fee of 55 copper if you had 5 gold, 4 silver, and 8 copper for example.. you should now see a fee of "5 silver & 5 copper"

There was also sometimes some erroneous fees that were either less or higher than the 10%, and this should be corrected with this update.

Also fixed is if you spawn a new ball when a bank bubble is already launched, the game should not show you a bank bubble with an green arrow. Instead, this green arrow should now only show the bank bubble when you try to blow a bank bubble when there's already one spawned.

Steam achievements for Solo Reflection are still planned and coming in a new update soon so keep an eyes out for that if you are an Achievement hunter! =)

Have a great weekend everyone!

ZaxtorGameS (Solo Indie Game Developer)

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