Build: branches/Dirge_v0.1.0.0-DirgeSteam-UE_4.27-Shipping-145-3716
Game Balance
- Wraith can now overcharge beyond their normal energy pool in the Crypt
- Wraith can rest in his sarcophagus for quicker energy gain.
- Wraith always gains energy in the Crypt, even if physical.
- Reduced M1911 damage.
- Tommy gun switched from 100 round drum to 30 round mag.
- Winchester changed from .308 to .22 LR to be truer to real life, adjusted damage accordingly
- Wraith flashlight drain halved, Spirits flashlight drain doubled.
- New pistol Walther P38 is stronger than the Revolver, but weaker than the M1911. Also includes new ammo type 9mm
- New rifle Karabiner 98 is what the old Winchester was, a .308 rifle.
- The investigators use some of the proceeds from recent cases to upgrade their wheels.
- Dexter has expanded his laboratory under the Manor and stole something from Nikola.
- New task Abolish Abominable Experiments for Wraith tasking to make use of the Lab
- With the basement expansion, the collection of booze in the basement is much larger.
- The Manor now has a nice little fishing pond out front WITH PIRANHAS! (Just kidding)
- You can now show exact numeric values for your vitals by enabling it in the Game Settings menu.
- You can now relight fireplaces with matches.
- New safe for important items in the map.
- Added lobby match difficultly dropdown for quick selection of settings.
- Help Text is now separate and distinct from Hint Text. Help is red and can be disabled, Hints are blue and always show.
- Wraith HUD improved to only show energy as that's the only vital that matters to him.
- Added more core spawners around the map so their not so concentrated in the West.
- Cursor text and Help text now default to on
- Starting music is lower
- Cleaned up compass and room HUD indicators.
- Removed sidebar as it was to distracting and not used by players after a few games.
- Removed Master Audio as the individual sliders accomplish what you need.
- Host lobby text is more clear as to what the slots are for
- Chat is shown when joining a lobby to signal to new players that you can chat.
- Reduced spectator sprint to ease some player's motion sickness.
- Rock that many players got stuck on at front of cave was moved.
- Fixed issues with Revenant navigating the Armory and Basement.
- Fixed bug where car trap wasn't working right.
- Fixed bug where a room lock could overwrite a furniture lock.
- Sarcophagus no longer show eye icon to confused players.
- Notes & Journal should no longer get stuck halfway opened/closed.
- VR plugin should no longer start when turning on the game.
- Matches no longer heartbeat.
Changed files in this update