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House of Rules update for 17 December 2021

House of Rules Official Full Release! - Dec 19

Share · View all patches · Build 7903037 · Last edited 17 December 2021 – 17:09:35 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

House of Rules is finally officially released on Steam! :)

We have made a lot of improvements lately thanks to your feedback.
The version currently uploaded is 2.0.2.

CAUTION!!! Please delete all the files from the earlier versions before downloading and starting v2.x.x.
The saves from the versions 0.x.x and 1.x.x don't load in v2.0.0. and will cause achievement errors and event bugs.

*What's different from the Early Access version:
-Improved the overall stability
-Enabled taking screenshots by pressing F12
-Proofread and edited the dialogues to be more natural
-Brightened the lights
-Shortened the dialogues when seen once
-Redrew the marble puzzle to be more understandable
-Enabled skip for the story scroll in the salon
-Enabled skip for the cutscene before Ending 10(if the ending is already collected)
-Enabled skip for the cutscenes at the end of the game after watching it for the first time
-Added 40 Steam Achievements, 20 in-game achievements available for users without Steam app
-Added a hidden item unlocked when all the endings are collected
-Added post-credits scene when the 20th ending is collected

*What's different from the versions 2.0.1:
-Fixed the save scene error
-Fixed the skip error in the newspaper scene
-Made it easier to achieve the achievement 'Traces of the Past'

(The demo is deactivated as the full version is released.)

We will be keeping our eyes on Steam Community Hub and our e-mail account to fix bugs and errors as soon as possible when reported. So if you have any trouble playing the game, let us know!
Developer E-mail:

Thank you for playing our game! :D

Windows House of Rules eng Depot 1725441
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Korean House of Rules kor Depot 1725442
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