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Kayak VR Playtest update for 17 December 2021

Kayak VR: Christmas Tournament (v0.6) Hey @everyone! It’s been a while since ou

Share · View all patches · Build 7903036 · Last edited 17 December 2021 – 16:09:23 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

It’s been a while since our last update and we just wanted to let you all know we’re progressing on the development. You’ve seen most of the quality of life kayak improvements make it into the playtest, like the physics paddle, checkpoints, head smoothing etc. However, we haven’t shown off much of what we’re doing on the content side, mostly because when we show it off we want it to look as good as you’re expecting it to! However, we have a few levels lined up that we’ll be doing reveals on in the coming months.

To tide you over until then and give you something new and hopefully fun to play, we’ve made a Christmas version of the canyon! This seemed like a small and fun project to do which, of course, ended up being a lot more complicated and causing some late nights at the office recently. We think it’s really fun though and for us it’s a way to thank you all for participating in the playtest, your feedback and enthusiasm has given us the energy to keep going and it's hard to put into words how awesome it’s been to see you all engage with the game. As an added bonus, we’re giving away 5 keys to the full game to the 5 people at the top of the Christmas Canyon leaderboards on 31st of December 2021 12:00 UTC.

From us three here, we wish you happy holidays and hope to see you stick around in here next year! 🎄 🎅

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