- New mode: TOP-32 championships
- Inactive players automatically dismissed from multiplayer rooms
- Additional game branch with improved optimization and protection from hacking and modifications
- New car Thor E8
- New car Mira
- New Street Tuners DLC body kits for the Wutend, Wellington S20, and Wanderer L30
- New ProFlow body kits for the Phoenix NX and Wellington S20
- New SharkNose body kit for the Hummel
- Fixed car model bugs
- Fixed the issue with saving negative values for the Engine Tune-Up parameter
- Corrected aerodynamic force, pressing cars against the road surface, for the Racing modification
- New loading screen
- Fixed preview for BSB rims
- New mechanism for painting body parts separately
- Improved collision sensitivity in XDS modes
- New Street Tuners DLC sticker pack, plus 3 new free sticker packs
- New soundtracks added
- Improved sounds and music being switched on/off incorrectly
- Fixed the issue with FFB turning off when entering a test track in the dynostand
- Initiation speed in XDS modes and the dynostand are now displayed in the imperial units (mph) as well
- Small tweaks to the singleplayer interface in Time Attack mode
- Fixed issues with the interface disappearing
- Fixed incorrect display for the interface after switching to free camera mode
In case you want to change your version for one with playable mods please follow these steps:
Choose CarX Drift Racing Online in your Steam library
Right click on game’s name and choose “Properties”
Choose “Betas” and select the “Moddable - Public moddable branch” version in the “Select the beta you would like to opt into” tab.
Changed files in this update