# Experience
- Add the "Recall" function to Gleanings from Manuscripts in Devil Slaying Log, which can reproduce the dialogue of the current character.
- Supports fast switching between Devil Slaying Log subsections.
- Optimized the AI of followers and phantoms using Polearm, Sledgehammer, Sickle & Chain, and Firearm weapons.
# Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue that familiar does not disappear when using "Release Token" when leaving a room.
- Fixed some UI internal state errors.
- Fixed an issue where "Sneak Attack" related challenges in challenge mode would fail if Xilvaron's "Sneak Attack" talent was not unlocked.
- Fixed an issue where eggs and Worg Spiders spawned from Broodmother on Demonic and Easy difficulties would automatically die.
- Fixed the problem that after transforming into Arachnid Empress through Spider Inner Alchemy, phantoms summoned by Xilvaron would not attack. Optimize the AI of the phantoms.
# Localization
- Improve the translated text based on Othulu's feedback.
- Make the English and Japanese descriptions of the Magic Ring achievement clearer to avoid misunderstandings.
Changed files in this update