Hi, everyone. Welcome to another week's developer's diary.
Let's start with a little silly video
(Here is a link for people who are unable to connect to Youtube: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1qM4y1c7rH?share_source=copy_web)
Well, basically someone went on Steam Spy and told me that I made a fortune from this game.
Here is the link: https://steamspy.com/app/1519140
So, I went to check Steam Spy as well and found out.
Oh, my...
If that data is correct, then I guess I've made at least $100K.
Well, you know the world is not what it looks like. :P
This is just a real-life example of our secret world theme.
The data on Steam Spy is inaccurate.
There were not many copies sold during the last week especially when I am too lazy to seriously do any marketing. It's also somehow because I don't think the game is good enough.
Development is still my main focus.
The real sales number of this game is not even something worth mentioning at all.
But, as I said, I don't really care about the sales number. I'm just here to make the game.
So, let's go down to what we got this week.
First, let's bring in some chaotic fun.
Based on FFBD192E's feedback, we can now have AK-47 and M249 to shoot a lot of different targets in one single FPS mode. I guess I can worry about how to balance it later. For now, let's just have some fun.
Next, some small story progress has been made across multiple locations of the game, including:
Containment Breach story and additional documents in Site Demeter and New location of the Priest's House in Queensmouth with a secret tunnel.
Based on the feedback, the Infinite machine boss has also been nerfed with new methods to counter it.
There is also some quality of life improvements such as using teammate to do speech skill checks and a few bug fixes.
Thus, overall, it's just another normal week in the game's development.
Something may still lurk in the shadow. (Art assets for the next part of the Containment Breach story are working in progress.)
That's for this week.
It seems not much has been changed because of the early access release.
I kinda enjoy the solitude of making this indie game.
But, if you have any feedback, reviews, comments. I'd be interested to know.
Quite a few of them have been implemented into the game this week. :)
Today's changelog:
Added a security log in Site Demeter's security room to fill in some information about how UPEP3002 escaped.
Newly generated weapons that have "sharp" prefixes will now mention they can cause bleeding in their detailed information window. (It does not affect any previously generated items.)
Baseball bat, pipe, brick, and the katana from the Dragon's Treasure may now have "Poisonous" prefixes
New weapon: Spoon (It may have prefixes.)
Added spoon to the drop list of Businessman in Liu, Crazed Worker, Crazed Survivor, Zombies.
Rewrote the crazed survivor's drop list to be something easier to manage. (I will likely rewrite all the old item drop lists later.)
Made it possible to add customized texts on items when they are displayed in the detailed information window.
New weapon prefix: Poisonous
Fixed a text error with items with the "Anti-Human" prefix in the English language. (The fix will not apply to existing items. But, you can always use a magic pen to rename those items.)
Changed files in this update