We're rounding the corner on 2021 and we're going out with a bang!
We'll be taking some time away from socials during the holidays to recharge and gear up for 2022. You can expect us back and responding to players from the 5th of January.
Which leads us to the question: what's in store next for Mechajammer?
We've put together the Post Launch Roadmap below, which shows what's on the horizon for the game, and when you can expect updates.
Again, a her-uge thank you to the players who have stuck with us since the game's launching, helping surface issues, offering suggestions and generally helping shape our next steps. This Roadmap wouldn't be possible without your input.
So, here's how the next few month's are looking:
Since launch, we've put out 4 patches to the game, with a v1.05 on it's way very soon. That's not all though! You can expect unofficial branch updates until the end of December if you opt in to an exclusive 'off the grid' branch, but more on that in a minute.
We'll be bringing you Event Log v2, new quest content, more NPC portraits & expanded dialogue.
You can expect to see a new XP system very soon, too, as well as a balance overhaul and more bug fixes.
Key-rebinding is coming!
Improved onboarding and tutorial-flow (we hear you, the tutorial isn't your favourite).
You can also expect Steam Achievements, along with an official achievement guide for those interested, too.
1.1 Update
Companion side-quests, gang quests, new vehicles, unique items for skill types and... skateboards!?
Yes you read all of that correctly. And on top of all that, we'll also be adding Razer Chroma integration and giving you an official guide video.
Hang on, what's this about opting in to an updated branch during December?
Although we'll be off socials from December 20th, there will be balance passes, fixes and updates rolled out to the game in a slightly less official manner. We can't provide patch-notes during this time as we don't have the support during the holidays, and we can't promise the same level of stability, but for those interested in checking out the game with hot-off-the-press improvements and additions, this is the way to go.
If you want to find out the branch details, you can head over to the Mechajammer Discord Server.
As always, a huge thank you for your support and feedback over the last two weeks - it doesn't go unnoticed.
Have a happy holidays,
— Whalenought Studios & Modern Wolf
Changed depots in testing branch