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Secret Neighbor update for 17 December 2021

Secret Neighbor Is Getting In The Holiday Spirit With 24 Days of Guestmas!

Share · View all patches · Build 7901694 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello and Happy Holidays to you!

Tis the season for giving, and Secret Neighbor is getting into the Holiday spirit with 24 Days of Guestmas! 🎄

Check out our latest episode of Secret Neighborhood News for all the details!

We’ve got a few gifts to sneak under the tree, and you can start opening them right now! Log in each day between Dec 17th - Jan 9th (on all platforms) for a special gift, goodie, or new offering in the shop! So let’s go over what you can expect to see under the tree this holiday season:

🎁 Each day during the event, players can grab one cosmetic item, from the RETRO set, for free!

🎁 During the same timeframe, players may also snag one item from the DENIM set at a discount!

🎁 Keep an extra sharp eye on the shop Dec 23 - 25 and you may even catch The Neighbor breaking out his holiday finest!

There will only be one chance to grab each limited-time shop offering during the event, so be sure to pop in!

But wait! We’ve still got some stocking stuffers to hang by the fire.

🎟️Earn 2x daily quest tickets with a limited-time coupon multiplier Dec 23rd - January 1st! 🎟️

And catch the previous year’s festive fits making an appearance in the shop as well!

Level editor map contest winners!

As 2021 nears its end, it also brings the closure of the highly anticipated Secret Neighbor Level editor Halloween contest! First, we’d a like to give a huge shoutout to all 198 community members who entered the competition, the team thoroughly enjoyed playing through all of your submissions!

And now for the big announcement:
The Grand Prize winners for the Secret Neighbor Halloween Map Contest are:
drumroll sound effect

Our two grand prize winners will receive 1500 coupons, the Neighbor’s Construction Helmet hat, and their map will be considered for the Secret Neighbor official map rotation!

Our additional winners and runner ups are as follows:

Who Stole The Snow???

You may have noticed things look a little different around Raven Brooks this year. Is it just an unseasonably warm winter, that happens from time to time right? No! It appears there may be a nefarious plot at work here and the snow has gone missing. Not missing, stolen!

The only clue is a cryptic note with a strange symbol on the back. What could it mean? The sooner we track this person down, the sooner the snow will hopefully return to Raven Brooks in the New Year.

We hope you enjoy the 24 days of Guestmas! We’ve got a lot more coming your way in 2022, including our parity of content update and our Winter update pt.2 in the New Year!

Happy Decimbir, and Merry Guestmas!
tinyFox, tinyBuild, Hologryph & Eerie Guest

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