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Creatures: The Albian Years update for 20 December 2021

About Creatures, Creatures: The Albian Years, and this release.

Share · View all patches · Build 7900916 · Last edited 20 December 2021 – 17:09:23 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Creatures: The Albian Years is a compilation of Creatures 1 & 2 (originally released in 1996 and 1998), their life kits and many Object Packs.

Later entries can be found under Creatures Docking Station, and its spinoff series for younger players is known as Creatures Village.

The series is known for its complexity and depth, hidden beneath a veneer of being a cute pet simulation - and this release contains its first entries and their expansions.

Unfortunately, these games are known to have issues when running on modern computers. This release of Creatures: The Albian Years tried to address these compatibility issues, although performance is still likely to vary from one computer to the next.

Both age and engine are considerable factors in this, and we're not sure how much we can do to improve performance beyond this.

If you are interested in these games, please be aware of Steam's refund policy* so that if the performance is not satisfactory on your computer that you can still request a refund.

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