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入替人-ReplaceR- update for 17 December 2021

Mini-update and future plans

Share · View all patches · Build 7900531 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 13:51:19 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Update Contents

Blue weapon, function fixed

The specification of guns that move the position of objects has been changed.
It has been fixed so that objects cannot be brought to the other side of walls.
As a result of this fix, the shortcuts that used to work will no longer work.
Time attack ranking has been newly established as Early Access 3rd.

We will reconsider this if there are many people who think it is too difficult to play because it limits the degree of freedom.

Changes to the tutorial stage

We modified the tutorial stage to make it a little easier to understand.
The stage has been modified to make it a little easier to understand.

Changes to the menu screen

The menu screen has been redesigned.

Some camera shaking has been removed.

There were stages where the camera would move slightly depending on the character's position.
This was causing some stress, so we removed the unnecessary camera work.

Future plans

Our goal was to officially release the game in December.
However, we have received several suggestions for improvement, and in order to make solid improvements
However, as we have received several suggestions for improvements, we have decided that in order to make solid improvements, we need to make major changes to the stage content from the current stage.

Although it is difficult to release it officially at an early date, we would like to make it official by the end of 2022.

Also, we're considering changing the rules for the replacements.
We hope that people who have already completed the game will be able to enjoy it again.

The stage you can play now will be a different stage in the next update.

Thank you for reading to the end.

We hope you will continue to send us your suggestions for improvement.

Windows 入替人 - ReplaceR - Content Depot 1667161
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