Lots of improvements have been done while working on next major patch World Extensions. These are the latest changes before we release World Extensions.
Crafting - Interface for crafting more than 1 at a time to speed things up
Character Panel - Added Filters and Heal/Repair buttons to speed things up
Army Transfer - Added several buttons for faster transfer in Bulk
Graphics Options - Added a button to run Hardware Test and let system set optimal settings
Fixed Formation and Filtering while adding Followers and Polearm as new Categories
Fixed Formation Hold/Follow/Charge with Filtering
Fixed Item Tooltip to show correct coloring of prices
Fixed several Sounds for Trolls and Bears
Fixed cleaning Season Effects that could have been Saved on Player
Building Extensions now give +5 Reputation with the Settlement
Battle Characters should now turn smoothly using Focus Targets
Weekly Army cost is now split to be Daily Cost and about 18% cheaper over a Season
Added Nuts and Oil Production
Added Chicken Coops Extensions that produce Eggs
Settlement Events should now correctly be Saved and Loaded
Hunting Extension now correctly produce Meat
Settlements item Need should now fluctuate less and different min/max depending on Item Type
Most Active Settlements have a Leave option now not forcing Player into fights
New Settlement Mission Heretic
New Settlement Mission Infamous Thief
New Settlement Mission Murdering Marauder
New Settlement Mission Mummies in the Oasis
New Settlement Event Ghoulish Business
New Settlement Event Animal Market
Farmers Market does no longer sell endless Food while being active
Lots of Missions had their Description updated/added
Changed files in this update