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Diesel Railcar Simulator update for 18 December 2021

Timetable editor improvement update

Share · View all patches · Build 7896754 · Last edited 18 December 2021 – 09:32:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
Improvements to the timetable editor

The editor now has a separate concept of formations that can be shared between different templates. There's a "formations" button at the top of the side panel for editing the formations. "Service vehicles" are now bound to a formation instead of a template, and templates have a drop-down menu for choosing the formation.

Old timetables will have formations auto-generated for each template. Similar formations are not automatically merged and shared between templates, but you can do so manually.

Each formation has a default train length that can be overridden in each of the templates. The default length can also be overridden in each of the services.

Vehicles belonging to a formation can now be marked as "variable". This means that when the train length is longer than the list of vehicles defined in the formation, the system will primarly repeat the variable vehicles instead of the whole formation. You can use this, for example, to define a freight train formation with one loco, one goods wagon (marked as variable) and one brake van. Changing the train length will then change the number of goods wagons, while the loco and brake van remain at the ends of the train.

When saving a timetable, the current name of each vehicle is also saved to the file. If a vehicle is missing, the error message will show the name of the missing vehicle instead of its ID number, which should be more helpful.

Environmental lights on/off times can now be customised from timetable properties.

Other changes
  • Fixed possible crash when loading a route
  • Fixed fences across tracks in some places
  • Fixed scenery performance issue
  • Adjusted Class 40 suspension
  • Added mouse-operable master keys to Class 37 and 40
  • Clarified tooltips for "expected energy use" and "your energy use" in evaluation screen

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