Build 41 and MP info
Hello survivor! Here’s a few notes of introduction for players new to the Knox
Build 41 is our playable beta of a complete overhaul of Project Zomboid: new animations, new combat, new soundscape designed by some of the folks who won awards for Alien: Isolation, new map function, vast new city added to the map. New everything, really.
We have been working on it for two years, and very recently have reintroduced multiplayer which has proved extremely popular – and may even be the reason that you are here reading this!
It looks a little like this:
And here’s some advice from Nurse about how to access and what’s included:
With Build 41.61, we've increased the supported player count to 32, already.
This build is NOT currently the initial download Steam users are presented with – we intend to give Build 41 its full release and move it into the mainline early next, year once we have fixed and polished remaining issues with the new MP.
So how do you access the latest build?
Simply go to your Steam betas, and select the one called "b41multiplayer".
Please be aware that this is a test build, and is still being actively patched, fixed and worked upon.
While many (many!) people are having a great time with Build 41 MP, there are still issues we need to fix – and support issues that we need to address.
Public servers are currently not recommended. Whitelisted and co-op servers are strongly advised for the best experience.
The new update is very complex, and we are a very small team. So please be understanding while we update, fix and polish ready for the full launch next year.
We would like to thank our amazing community for the help they have been giving to new players, and all the enthusiasm they have shown during this exciting time for Project Zomboid.
We hope you all have fun! Have some Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!
Changed depots in si branch