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Simple Tools update for 16 December 2021

New repair automatically click tools (big change updates)

Share · View all patches · Build 7896013 · Last edited 16 December 2021 – 16:09:21 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Repair set work delay, all associated TAB works, is not very reasonable
New TAB (the national language is Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean)
Delete menu bar - help - instructions (transferred to at present, the new TAB)
(if it is found that automatically click tools, unable to normal boot, can't open, etc.,)
(please delete manually, my computer - my documents - Simple Tools folder)
New script TAB, right-click the menu (add, press the Esc is valid)
New script TAB, has been successfully added to the list, will be effective
(script format: hotkey = keys) (script formats: hotkey = keys, keys,... )
New menu bar - help - sponsored by the author (QwQ if, you are a good man, I thank you)
Repair picture TAB, search for target image sequence, not normal
Repair picture TAB, and change the idea, to speed up the algorithm optimization function
Fixed AI TAB, there is a problem, has replaced the working train of thought
(to be automatic click tools, the overall optimization, some eliminate deprecation, removed)
New request for the administrator permissions, the highest status, start it
(right now, do not need to manually, choose an administrator to run)
Note: use automatic click tools, must be, quit, security system and related software
Otherwise, may not be able to use, is rejected, intercepted, etc., by computer are not allowed to operate
[ The next, no longer update for a long time, the author himself, very tired, need to have a rest ]
[ if any abnormal issues, the author himself, will deal with as soon as possible, fix the Bug ]

Windows Simple Tools Content Depot 1365711
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