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MAJOR Frog Hop update for 16 December 2021

Mac and Linux Release

Share · View all patches · Build 7895256 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 12:14:54 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Frog Hop is now available on Linux and MacOS!


Both M1 and Intel CPUs are compatible on MacOS. The recommended MacOS version is 11 (Monterey) or above. The minimum version supported is 10.9, however, there are limitations which mean the Level Editor DLC functionality is not available on 10.9. Due to the difference in compatibility, there is a separate beta branch for MacOS 10 compatibility. If you are running OSX 10 and Frog Hop won't run, open the game properties from your library, navigate to the "Betas" tab, and enter the password "FrogHopOSX10"


The game's engine (GameMaker Studio 2) only officially supports Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04. As such, Frog Hop only officially supports Ubuntu as well. That said, it should generally work on most Linux distributions, but may require additional steps and workarounds.

Level Editor

The Level Editor DLC is supported on MacOS and Linux, except for the MacOS 10 exclusion mentioned above. The 3rd party program to create levels (Tiled) is also available on MacOS and Linux, so you can create your own levels regardless of platform. To do so, you need to install the application manually yourself. (Download from

Last but not least, Hoppy holidays everyone! ːHoppyHappyː ːJumpyCuteː

macOS Frog Hop Mac Depot Depot 568492
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Linux Frog Hop Linux Depot Depot 568493
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