Let's go fishing!
- Added fishing.
- Added fishing vendors to all cities.
- All seas and lakes have been updated to support fishing. Rivers will be supported in a future update.
- You can now add friends.
- Added a new district in Morin Khur.
- Added information about underflowed skills (e.g. when an attribute was capped to 10 but you had spent more attributes than required on it)
- Added a new primary skill ‘Mounted Magery’ which increases effectiveness with magic while on a mount. Similar to Mounted Combat and Mounted Archery, you will be less effective than on foot without this skill.
- Added Guano as pickables (Earlier wrongly named umbilical).
- Added a new boss to the Sator dungeon.
- Added small Saburra nodes scattered around the Steppes.
- Added Sea Dew to the Toxai area.
- Added additional task parcels between Kranesh, Gaul Kor, Cave Camp and Jungle Camp.
- NVIDIA DLSS updated to version 2.3.1.
- Adjustments to world lighting.
- Reduced the brightness of the moons to make them less overexposed during the night and to restore visual details.
- The game will now display a popup when failing to connect to Epic Online Services instead of crashing the game as “EAC Error 75656”. EOS is necessary for Easy Anti-Cheat to work.
- Titles are now displayed above or below the player name depending on the title.
- Mount acceleration and turn rate are now affected by the rider’s dexterity.
- Concentration skill effectiveness is now halved when mounted (base interrupt resist unchanged).
- Changed the look of the Spider Queen’s eggs.
- One handed axes, clubs and swords are now less likely to do handle hits.
- Alvarin clade gift 'Stalker' now gives you less aggro from AI.
- Thursar clade gift 'Battle cry' now increases the amount of AI aggro gained during its effect.
- Oghmir clade gift 'Rock Solid' now increases the amount of AI aggro gained during its effect.
- You can now only safely log out inside of a house if it is at its final stage of construction or beyond. (i.e. full health)
- Changed Haven city select dialog to use numbers instead of roman numerals.
- Increased the movement speed of Terror Birds.
- Increased the movement speed of Cougars.
- Oghmir clade gift ‘Rock Solid’ cooldown decreased to 3min (was 8min).
- Thursar clade gift ‘Bulky’ now gives +3 Con (was +2).
- Thursar clade gift ‘Resolved’ now gives +3 Psy (was +2).
- Thursar clade gift ‘Powerful’ now gives +3 Str (was +2).
- Thursar clade gift ‘Athlete’ now gives +3 Dex (was +2).
- Alvarin clade gift ‘Naiad’ now reduces stamina drain while swimming by 10% and increases time you can spend underwater by 10s.
- Alvarin clade gift 'Alvarin sight' duration and range increased to 40s (was 30s) and 50m (was 40m) respectively.
- Skills set to level down will no longer get set to locked when using the 'auto-fix overflowed skills' button.
Swimming Overhaul
- Dead players can now swim at full ether speed with neutral buoyancy.
- Players can now fight in water. Currently this includes attacking and blocking in all directions with the same swing speed and stamina use values as on land. In the future, we will adjust these values to be more appropriate for combat while swimming.
- Players can now use bows in water. Arrows traveling through water have a base reduced velocity and a large reduction in velocity and damage over distance, until they finally sink. It is possible to shoot from the water surface while swimming without arrow penalties as long as you avoid hitting the water surface. Bows in water will be balanced appropriately in a future update.
- Fishing rods can't be used while swimming.
- Magic is unchanged and has no new restrictions while in water.
- Jump and Walk keys can now be used to swim up and down.
- Jump key is now used to grab hold of ledges in water, climb slopes under water and get out of water while looking up. This also works when being too heavy to swim. The player controls the speed of the climb by looking up and stays still when looking forward. Climbing in water has the same stamina penalties as swimming. There is no visual player climb animation implemented yet.
- Player velocity is now reduced when falling into water.
- While swimming, stamina starts recovering as soon as you let go of the directional keys. This means that you can do short moves with regular breaks in order to regain stamina.
- Movement speed in the UI statistics window (paperdoll) will now reflect your current speed while swimming.
Swimming Stats
- Swimming speed is now scaled with dexterity. Base speed is 110 and each point in dexterity adds half a unit of speed up to 175. Skills combined with sprinting greatly increase the total swim speed.
- Air recovery is now a flat 10% per second for all skill levels instead of being an instant refill on the surface (higher skills give greater air capacity, which balances out).
- Swimming stamina recovery is the same as on land but gradually reduced by the amount of air remaining. 100% to 50% recovery rate by air amount.
- Swimming speed is now reduced to 25% when running out of stamina instead of being forced to a complete stop.
- Sprinting while swimming increases speed by 25% for an extra 25% stamina drain regardless of skill level.
- Buoyancy (player float capacity) is based on combined armor and inventory weight. The max capacity is 50% of your free inventory weight. Buoyancy is gradual and non-linear between 0-50% of free inventory weight, and therefore is more forgiving at lower weights.
- Each kg of armor adds a 1.0% penalty to speed and stamina. For example 10kg equipped armor results in a 10% penalty.
- Each kg of inventory adds a 0.5% penalty to speed and stamina. For example 10kg inventory results in a 5% penalty.
- Resistance Swimming skill now reduces the weight penalty for armor and inventory by up to 25%, reducing penalties per kg for armor and inventory down to 0.75% and 0.375%.
- Resistance Swimming skill now improves the buoyancy curve by up to 10%, offsetting the weight range to 10-60%.
- Fixed issue where you would get teleported to the wrong Haven instance.
- Fixed issue where changing Haven instance would sometimes teleport you to Myrland.
- Fixed issue where you would only be able to change Haven instance once.
- Transfer pet now dismounts its owner.
- Fixed issue where AI would drift underground in steep slopes and not come back out again unless they moved back to lower ground. This was the infamous “mole creature” problem where pets or other creatures would disappear under ground while following players. This also fixed the issue where spiderlings would attack from underground in the boss caves.
- Fixed issue where pickables and loot bags would sometimes spawn underground.
- Icon interaction sounds (Click, Release, Destroy item) are now working again.
- Watermelon course leaderboard results are now showing again after completing the course.
- Possible fix for random crashes when exiting the game.
- Possible fix for a rare crash when switching weapons mid-fight.
- Fixed a rare crash when using actionbar items.
- Fixed a crash when destroying an item from the inventory.
- Fixed issue where targeting would miss parts of the limbs for a player or AI character.
- Fixed issue with the third female Tindremene hairstyle being slightly detached from the temple.
- Removed hitch in player ether animation while moving around and changing direction.
- AI would sometimes get incorrect rotations at the end of paths causing side-effects like hasty turns or not “settle” to reduce their tick rate (CPU optimization would not happen).
- Fixed issue with stationary AI being “pushable” by players merely by walking close to them, such as guards stopping at patrol points (crowd movement incorrectly detected stationary AI as moving).
- Chests inside keeps can now be opened by anyone in the guild.
- Fixed issue that made it impossible to build walls.
- Fixed bug in character movement orientation causing direction flips and hitching in strafing animations.
- Fixed incorrect light distance value in Low and Medium shadow settings causing lights to turn off too close to the player, for example making the Haven library dark.
- Fixed bug where dexterity weight class bonus contributed twice to dexterity when mounted.
- Fixed issue where face tattoo type was not being reset properly after changing clade.
- Fixed issue where clade tattoo color entries were not generated properly after changing bloodline.
- Switching gender no longer resets your clade tattoos.
- Fixed issue with Alvarin ‘Archers Arm & Shoulder’ clade gifts causing them to not work as intended.
- Reduced the find floor radius for AI to reduce the likelihood of stepping up on grazing objects. Patrolling guards could sometimes step up on nearby objects, such as urns and small fences.
- Fix building names being visible while inside of a building that has finished construction.
- Spiderlings no longer have AOE on their leap attack.
- Pressing jump in water no longer drains stamina as if the player is jumping on land.
- Fixed lighting issues in Vadda and Hyllspeia.
- Fixed issue that made it hard to interact with loot bags in Tindrem graveyard. The ground was detected as an invalid gatherable and reset the targeting.
- Fixed bug where player movement speed would not get updated when leaving water.
- Fixed issue where limited skills were not updated properly in the skill tree.
- Fixed bug where the title did not update correctly when switching targets.
- Mounted magery now impacts spell damage when hovering spells in spellbook.
- Various collision fixes on keeps.
- Buffs should now show more accurate timers.
- Possible fix to make sure ‘Abandon Pet’ really clears up pets.
- Items without a description no longer say 'Description text'.
- Fixed issue with disabled skill books not showing why you cannot train the skill correctly.
- Fixed annoying issue where you could accidentally feed pets using right click when trying to store them in pet bags.
- Fixed issue with attributes sometimes going below the intended minimum.
- 'Reputation' changed to 'Standing' in the task delivery panel.
- Fixed bad collision settings on Sator spears causing Sators to step up on each other as if they were floor surfaces.
- You can now use whitespaces when naming pets, houses and notes; however, it cannot be followed by another whitespace.
- Fixed confusing message saying 'you need a melee weapon equipped' because you had a shield equipped as well.
- Fixed an issue where using the stuck command while mounted could move you inside houses/gates and other structures.
- Added several hundred more “chunks” (pak files in the game directory) to improve Steam patching performance. Now 800+ pak files.
- Replaced system for loading and unloading character collision to reduce game stutter and CPU load.
- Adjusted various shadow properties to improve quality for lower shadow settings. Also adjusted shadow bias properties to improve contrast and reduce artifacts.
- Enabled a couple of features to improve Garbage Collector performance. This is an engine feature that clears up unused objects. The GC is notorious for causing game hitches when it kicks in. We disabled these features months ago due to stability issues and have now re-enabled them again as the issues appear to be fixed.
- Disabled reversed index buffer feature to reduce memory use.
- Optimized player animation CPU performance.
- Optimized a few UI elements to improve CPU performance.
- Restore size of texture streaming pools to previous values for all texture quality levels. We lowered them in an attempt to solve the VRAM issues, but it appears to not have been the source of the problem. We are restoring them as some users are reporting blurry textures far away.
Known Issues
- The video setting Enable Multithreaded Rendering can cause the body of player characters to flicker. Changing video settings sometimes causes the issue to disappear. Switching between DX11 and DX12 once can also cause it to go away.
- Safe logout in certain buildings with open windows (no glass, such as the strongholds) can cause an unsafe logout if you stand in front of the windows.
- You can’t see other fishing players bobbers.
- You can’t see other fishing players pull up a fish.
- You can’t fish in flowing rivers.
- Some mountains in the distance and random meshes like loot bags get blurry textures.
Changed files in this update