Mechanical Water Pumps
Mechanical Water Pump and Deep Mechanical Water Pump were changed in a few ways. Their models were updated to reflect the changes.
- The pumps no longer stop waterflow.
- They are buildable on any stackable building, not only on Levees.
- They discharge water one block lower than before.
- Shafts can only be connected from the two shortest sides.
Saves compatibility
Save version compatibility checks were added.
- Loading any save made before this update will result in a warning but you can ignore it if the save was made on Experimental Branch.
- The game should no longer freeze on macOS during launch or when changing resolution.
- Tree stumps no longer block building a Water Dump.
- Tree stumps no longer prevent Lumberjacks' warning icons from appearing.
- Fixed the "Nothing to do in range" warning icon not disappearing at night.
- Fixed the highlight not disappearing after blowing a marked-for-tree-cutting area up with dynamite.
- Fixed the “drought incoming” sound playing incorrectly and scaring beavers.
- Updated the Shrub's incorrect sound effect.
- Fixed Floodgates' colliders.
- Fixed Large Water Wheel not applying water resistance at every occupied tile.
- Fixed the FPS drops after marking a large tree cutting area.
- Fixed beavers preferring Grilled Spadderdock over other types of food. That one was perfectly understandable, though.
Changed depots in development branch