Today, at 3pm CET, we will be releasing our first post-launch patch. It’s a big one. The patch contains new feature additions and improvements, balance and QoL improvements, and a lot of bug fixes. We tried to cover as much of the issues reported by you as possible and hope that you will be happy with the changes.
Before we get into the details, we want to take a moment and express our warmest gratitude to our players for your feedback and support through the development and after the launch of Thunder Tier One. We are overwhelmed by the positive sentiment from the community. It is far beyond what we hoped to achieve with such a niche game. A huge thank you to all of you from everyone who worked on TTO. We carry on fixing and improving the game based on your continued feedback.
Please find the patch notes below. Happy reading!
- Three new operator voices have been added.
- AI squadmates have been updated to use the full variety of operator voices available.
- New and more varied voices have been added for enemies.
- The Atlyn, SSH68 and MK6 will no longer be unlocked by progressing through levels, but will instead be available to all players from the start.
- The bandana is now available with more types of headgear: Cap, Cowboy Hat A, Cowboy Hat B, M1 Helmet, PASGT, and Skate Helmet
- The Avon CBRN and Gas Mask are now available as accessories for the M1 helmet.
- The Chinese flag has been added to available torso accessories.
- The Server Browser has been updated to filter out full servers by default.
- Players who idle in a match for more than 120 seconds will now be kicked from dedicated servers.
- By default respawn time is now set to 10 seconds.
Weapon Balance
- The horizontal recoil of the Skorpion has been decreased.
- The recoil recovery for all sniper rifles has been increased by 300%.
- L96A1 will now accept a new magazine, the (L42A1). It will no longer accept the regular M61/M80 round magazines.
- L96A1 muzzle velocity has been changed to 850 m/s.
- The penetration values of the following rounds have been improved; 9x39, 9x19 and slugs.
- The cost of laser sights has been increased by 1.
- Based on feedback we have made changes to Assault Rifles to try and address some of the concerns we have been hearing:
- The minimum recoil has been increased for the CAR15, L85A1, AS VAL and AKM.
- The loadout cost of the AS VAL, AKM and MP5SD6 have all been increased.
- The AS VAL's rate of fire has been reduced to 800 RPM.
- Damage has been decreased for 9x39 rounds from 100 to 65.
- The minimum damage has been increased for ACP and 9x39 rounds.
- A number of changes have been made to scopes to improve balance and provide players with a more meaningful variety of possible play styles:
- Peripheral vision is now reduced when looking down sight.
- Extended visibility will now only be available when using the cursor to look beyond the normal visibility circle.
- The degree to which vision is extended, peripheral vision is restricted and vision is magnified inside the cursor has been balanced per scope based on their real-world specifications.
- Improvements have been made to how the scope cursor displays.
- A significant increase has been made to the impact recoil has on the scope cursor view.
- A decrease has been made to the accuracy bonus granted by scopes with a smaller magnification.
- The behaviour of the fog of war when aiming through a scope has been adjusted.
- Improved the firing frequency and reactions of AI squadmates.
- In the mission Golden Angel, Armstrong's combat performance has been improved
- In the mission Golden Angel, Enemy AI will not prioritise Armstrong and Nichols as highly when selecting targets.
- After loading from a checkpoint the player and friendly AI will be very briefly damage-immune.
- Improved AI navigation around the spotlights in Black Knuckle.
- Fixed an issue where the evac vehicle would not leave if a squadmate died during evacuation.
- Fixed Nichols' spawn position on Golden Angel to reduce the chances of him clipping into a tree trunk.
- Fixed an issue where the player could not take cover after loading a checkpoint.
- Fixed an issue on Black Knuckle where an enemy would spawn inside a rock, making completion impossible.
- Made fixes and improvements to the mission voice overs:
- Fixed an issue where voice over lines were getting cut-off in Sea Dryad.
- Fixed a number of instances where the subtitles did not exactly match the voice over in Silver Dew, Sitting Duck, and Sea Dryad.
- Fixed the evac lines in Sea Dryad so they play correctly.
- Corrected typos in the subtitles during basic training and Silver Dew.
- Fixed issues with the placement and bounds of the UAV in Golden Angel.
- Improved the positioning of caps lock camera while inside the caves on Cold Stone.
- Fixed an issue where players could become stuck in Sea Dryad Deathmatch.
- Fixed an issue where players who joined a dedicated server on match end did not see their votes get counted.
- Fixed the appearance of the scoreboard for players that join a dedicated server on match end.
- Fixed an issue where players could sometimes respawn in AAS even though there were no tickets left.
- Improved the wait message for dead players in Domination.
- Fixed typos and improved the clarity of the language used in some UI menus.
- Fixed an issue with the spacing of the chat UI.
- Realigned the AAS text in the Server Browser.
- Fixed an issue where the encumbrance calculation in missions was slightly different from that seen on the customization screen.
- Fixed an issue where the speaker's name did not always appear next to the subtitles in training missions.
- Fixed an issue where the multiplayer lobby UI could appear incorrect when joining after quitting the campaign.
- Fixed an issue where high levels of encumbrance were not correctly impacting a character's movements.
- Fixed clipping issues with the Alice Vest.
- Fixed the material on AS VAL's ejected ammo casings.
- Fixed an issue where the female character's shoulders could become raised when wearing a T-shirt.
- Fixed clipping issues with the PVS-7 Headmount and Keffiyeh.
- Fixed clipping issues with the gas mask and Balaclava A.
- Fixed an issue where the Assault Vest could become extended at the bottom when combined with some clothing items.
- Fixed a mismatch between the audio and the shout subtitles.
- Made audio improvements to Black Knuckle and Silver Dew.
- Fixed environmental audio in Cold Stone Domination.
- Fixed an issue where the menu audio could play incorrectly when using the mountain or office background
- Fixed an issue in the apartment on Silver Dew where the lighting could appear incorrect on low shadow settings.
- Fixed an issue where the Office menu background was too negatively impacted by post-processing quality settings.
- Addressed some exploits observed in both singleplayer and multiplayer.
- Fixed a number of the crashes experienced by users since launch.
- Fixed an issue where claymores could be triggered through doors.
- To fix issues with AI responsiveness, AI groups will now be notified when a member is targeted by another group and engage enemies even if they are in the hold fire.
- Improved AI movement and positioning.
Since the holiday season is upon us, the team will be taking a short break but some of us will still be active on our official Discord server to monitor feedback. We wish you all great holidays and see you in 2022!
Changed files in this update