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Noara: The Conspiracy update for 16 December 2021


Share · View all patches · Build 7893698 · Last edited 16 December 2021 – 09:19:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello everyone :)
We have listened to your feedback on the game and we thank you for it! The whole team has been working hard to add new content and fix as many bugs as possible in the time available. Here is the very first patch of Noara :


As you know, we announced a 1v1 mode in the road map for Q1 2022. However, many of you have been asking for this mode and we wanted to make you happy.
So we worked on a temporary mode, which is not the real 1v1 mode, but a mode we called "skirmish" which will allow you to play against your friends in one-on-one on a new map with very fast paced game turns.
The goal of the game is simple: kill the opposing king!

We are aware that it is currently difficult to find games. In order to alleviate this problem, we have worked on matchmaking:

  • The "2v2 - Solo" and "2v2 - Team" queues are now merged to make it easier for players to find games.

Interface: Menu

  • Added an FX around the invite button to make it more visible.
  • The waiting counter was blocked at 1 / 4 permanently, no matter how many players were looking for a game. This is now functional, the counter updates as required.

Interface: In Game

  • We've made a colour change to the time counter (which is on the bottom right of the HUD) to make it easier to understand which round we're in.
  • "Offensive Turn" with blue counter.
  • "Defensive Turn" with a red counter.
  • "Management Turn" with an orange counter.
  • In the same way, we have changed the colour of the life bar of the selected enemy units (block on the top right). The bars of allied units remain green, and those of enemy units become red.
  • Added "Cursor Containment" option in the options allowing the mouse cursor to stay on the screen if checked.

Chat: In Game

  • Various adjustments have been made to the Chat (cursor positioning, scrollbar, display time) and its visual has been modified.

While waiting for a proper tutorial, we have grouped the 5 mini-quests to make a kind of "mini-tutorial".


  • Following numerous requests, the time limit for a turn on most puzzles has been set to infinite!
  • Visual improvement of the obstacles in the puzzles "Felt Steps" and "Water Tramp".


  • Translation of sentences that were always in French in the English version of the game.

2v2 MODE

Map Improvements:

  • New FX have been added to the Fog of War.
  • Visual improvement of the Water Tramp (texture + VFX).
  • Sound effects problems in the bushes have been fixed.

Cages changed:

  • Cages now have classic hit points and not "per hit" hit points.
  • When destroyed, cages no longer offer units but items.
  • Added an FX to the destruction of a Cage.

Add FX + SFX to the construction, improvement, and destruction of Silos

Added FX + SFX to the upgrade and destruction of the stronghold.

Added a ping on the minimap (and its SFX) when our unit or our teammate's unit is attacked. Also when one of our silos or our stronghold is attacked.

End of the game:
When either team's stronghold is destroyed, the camera now moves to that stronghold before the Victory/Defeat screen appears. This will help you understand how you lost the game!

End of Game Screen:
The Victory/Defeat screen has been completely redesigned.



  • The end of a skill rolled by a unit no longer interferes with the display of a stronghold ability grid.
  • If a unit dies while performing a skill, the skill is now properly interrupted.
  • Fixed the bug related to the use of bumpers. A unit that is on a bumper and gets pushed will no longer suffer an automatic jump at the end of the bumper's maximum activation time.
  • Fixed the bug where a unit would get stuck following a move skill interrupted by a push.
  • Right-click now allows to cancel the selection of a selected skill.
  • Up to 10 units can now be deployed instead of 8.
  • Changed the display of invisible units so that their silhouettes can no longer be seen by opponents.
  • Changed the skill icons for Mogsy, Irisha, Tiwangi and Sinna.

Babingi, Babanga, Chaksa and Sinna's passive: "That didn’t kill!":
Embryo duration is no longer counted on Management turns.

Babingi: R "Break Time":
The fish remains visible for longer once it has landed on the square.

Gakpé W: "Healing Bolt":
Visual improvement of the FX.

Mana: W "Odd Mixture":
The visual effects of the skill now differ depending on the Mana passive.

Rajang: W "Fishing Hour":
Rajang's W now correctly deals damage to cages.

Rajang: R "Venomous Charge":

  • Rajang's R no longer affects Nariah and does no damage to her (see Nariah's passive).
  • The skill no longer applies the poison puddle if Rajang is pushed along.

Sinna: R "Mephitic Belch / Herbal Belch":
The damage bonus calculation for "Mephitic Belch" and " Herbal Belch " is now done on the final damage, not the base damage of the skill.

Kalinga: Q "Deadly Waltz":
Kalinga's Q now correctly deals enhanced damage when invisible.

Kalinga: R "Dark of Night":
Fixed the bug that was blocking Kalinga when she used her R as the opposing team passed their turn.

Kapal : R “Enlisement” :

  • The skill is now correctly interrupted if Kapal suffers the "Revealed" effect.
  • Fixed the bug that caused the game to crash when a unit bounced off a buried Kapal

Nariah: W "Visco-slide":
A unit being purged, while on a poison puddle created by Nariah's W, will suffer the effects of the poison again at the start of the next turn, even if it has not moved from the puddle.

Did you get tired of the little orange man as Wasabi? We are too!
We're adding a new 3D model to Wasabi. But be aware that it will be further improved later on, it's only temporary!

Irisha: Nerf
Q "Toxic Anemones":

  • Irisha's Q changed: no longer inflicts the "Handicap" effect if the target avoided at least 1 of the 3 projectiles.
    W " Toxic Presents ":
  • Irisha's W is both very strong and very frustrating. A little nerfing is in order!
  • The anemone now only has 2 HP instead of 3.
  • The damage suffered by the unit in the trap is reduced from 20/30/40/50 to 30/40/50.

Rajang: Nerf
Rajang's gameplay seems to be very popular with players, which we are of course pleased about. On the other hand, his damage is far too high. Rajang therefore goes through the nerf.
Q "Venomous Spit":

  • Elemental Mastery ratio increases from 120% to 100%.
  • Elemental Mastery to Poison effect ratio reduced from 50% to 30%.
    W "Fishing Hour":
  • Eel and lamprey base damage increased from 80 to 40.
  • The Elemental Mastery ratio on Eel is increased from 100% to 80%.
  • The physical control ratio for lamprey is reduced from 100% to 80%.
  • Physical Mastery ratio on the lamprey's bleed effect increases from 50% to 30%.

Namleh: Up
Poor Namleh hasn't really been popular since the beginning of early access, so we had to give him a "little" boost.
Q " Incredible Shot ":

  • Elemental Mastery ratio increases from 25% to 75%.

Demolisher: Up
Did you know that? There is a unit called "Demolisher"! It is obtained by unlocking the last level of the "Demolisher" caste. We ask because we never see it on the battlefield. Here's a cool up that might make you want to meet her.
Q " Stone Put ":

  • Damage increases from 200 physical damage to 250 base physical damage.
    Range increases from 6 to 8.
    R " Stone Put ":
  • Damage increases from 200 physical damage to 250 base physical damage.
    Range increases from 6 to 8.


The "+0 HP" healing bonus is no longer displayed above newly deployed units.

Demolisher :

  • The bonus 5 that allows you to get the "Demolisher" unit is moved. You now only need 3 demolisher caste units to get the catapult!
  • The old 3 demolisher bonus now unlocks when you deploy 6 demolisher caste units.


General :
The blinding effect no longer impacts the passive effects of objects.

Attractive Octopus:

  • New VFX added.
  • Can now hit cages (damage them, but not move them).

Visual improvement to the 3D object.

The water dash effect no longer starts from the last position the item was used.

Scooting Kit:
Improved VFX.

Improved VFX.

Ansom Steam Bomb:

  • The bomb can now be moved by the item "Fishing Net", by Iwobi's Z-skill "Big Game Fishing" and by the item "Shattering Hammer".
  • The bomb now does the correct damage even when it explodes next to a cage.

Throwing weight:
The item can no longer target allied units.


Bat Swarm:
The cooldown malus now only applies to available defensive skills.

Visual rendering has been improved.

Sand Wave:
VFX is now oriented correctly.

Stuning Gong:
The VFX is now oriented correctly.

Cry of Support (in-game "Kragh Wrath"):
The passive Shout of Support buff now triggers properly for every Shout of Support present on the Bastion.

Monolithic Throw:
Boulders placed on squares now have classic hit points instead of "per hit" hit points.

Windows 64-bit Dépôt :HotFix Depot 1101035
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