This new update (0.15.2) brings a game mode that requires planning and a little strategy. It also has a long list of improvements so that Mini Matches is the best it can be for the holiday season.
Eat And Get Longer
A classic game mode, this has become my new favourite for playing against (and trying to outsmart) the AI.
Improvements & Bugfixes
Some improvements:
- Bots can play locked characters.
- UI Colour based on winner
- New UI mouse design
- Three players by default (If no AI are selected, then you should play against 2 other bots to make things more chaotic.)
- Start game with two upgrade points to spend.
These are the problems that were solved:
- Mouse selection in menu (Options should deselect if mouse is far enough away.)
- Joining Match text UI (Should have a background in line with new UI, to be more readable.)
- Mouse jitters and lags
- AI Player doesn't actually spin (In racing mode, they just pause.)
- Less camera tilt in some modes. (Where players are jumping round (ie, lava), it can be disorienting.)
- Pressing back too quickly in upgrades causes a crash
- Lap counter not showing in Racing
- Asteroids spawn on top of ships and destroy them in Eat And Get Longer
- Professor North's ability, once used, never stops
- Porcupine ability balance (Gets more spines at a lower ability, and fewer at a higher ability so it doesn't get too overpowered.)
- Position of ship preview gets misaligned when removing player (In character select)
- Spend points to upgrade arrow is wrong.
- Can't shoot in platformer mode
- Can't move in racing mode when using magnet.
- Lines in upgrade view are misaligned.
- When entering upgrade menu, nothing is selected.
- Fewer upgrade points per level
Happy Eating,
Changed files in this update