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Rolling Line update for 16 December 2021

Christmas 2021 (Holiday Train!) v4.9

Share · View all patches · Build 7892534 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Merry Christmas everyone!
This year Rolling Line's Christmas update adds a very famous (and very pretty) train known as the Holiday Train!

It's actually a real-world train which Canadian Pacific runs down its main line to celebrate the holiday season. The real one even has live music performances from stages built into boxcars!

You can find the new Holiday Train (as well as a bunch of boxcar and passenger wagons with lights too!) in the "miscellaneous -> Christmas 21" drawer:

When you spawn a copy of one of the wagons, it will use a random lights design (from a few different options):

The lights on all the wagons also change colour!
And thank you to Stationmaster who made the original version of the AC4400CW with the little Christmas tree on top and the wreath!

Other features and fixes

This update also includes:

  • Lots of the branding images for the game have been changed to a temporary special version for Christmas:

  • Just like with other holiday events, there is now a special main menu too:

  • And you can access the little scene used for the main menu from the "new game -> Mini Maps -> Christmas" option:

  • There is now a warning shown when setting the "model offset" value for the wheels & couplers on train mods. This is because the model offset value is only meant to be used for small visual adjustments (like moving the model a small distance so it lines up properly). This value should not be used to extend the length of the whole wagon, for this you should use the "Length" value found in "general options".
  • Loud weather no longer causes the music to fade out (e.g. storms and heavy wind).
  • You can now have multiple animated meshes on a single "wheel block" for train mods. There used to be a bug where only one animated mesh would be recognized, this has been fixed.
  • The image thumbnails for maps (and various other lists) now glow-in-the-dark, so you can still see them easily on dark maps.

You may have noticed that there's actually still a while to go till Christmas (10 days!).
I'm releasing this update a little early since I'm going to be spending the holidays with family, and enjoying some time off work. Update will resume after new years, and I have tons of exciting stuff planned for 2022!

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the new beautiful holiday train, and have a Merry Christmas!

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