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Inscryption update for 16 December 2021

Kaycee's Mod V0.20

Share · View all patches · Build 7891496 · Last edited 16 December 2021 – 00:46:09 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Wow, a lot of people joined the beta! There are some strong reactions both positive and negative so that's fun. I received over 1000 bug / feedback reports so part of my time today (and the task is ongoing) is figuring out a way to sort and parse all this feedback. Don't stop sending it though! It's a good problem to have.

This patch is mostly meant to address the high difficulty level that many players are struggling with. Kaycee's Mod is meant to be challenging, but maybe more players should at least be able to clear Challenge Level 1 and start unlocking new cards. Today's patch will hopefully address this.

Kaycee's Mod Beta V0.20

  • Added an extra row of special events (The Stones, Campfire, etc.) before every boss on each map.
  • Nerfed the 5 most failed encounters according to analytics.
  • Fixed: The pricetag for the Trapper's Golden Pelts not displaying the proper value.
  • Fixed: Mud Turtle not being a member of the Reptile tribe. I am so sorry Mud Turtle you deserve better.

For more information on Kaycee's Mod, check out [this post](!

Also: I'll never change the Misplays stat hahaha and I'll never explain how it works you'll have to decompile the game to find out hahaha.

Changed depots in kaycee-mod-beta branch

View more data in app history for build 7891496
DiskCardGame (Windows) Depot 1092791
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