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Satisfactory update for 16 December 2021

FICS*MAS Update Fixes v0.5.1.7

Share · View all patches · Build 7889478 · Last edited 16 December 2021 – 12:32:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi Pioneers!

Hello everyone, here’s a patch with a bunch of assorted fixes just before we leave for vacation, hopefully they will make your experience with the game a bit better.

As always, if we introduced new issues or made things better please let us know over at our QA Site We will fix things ASAP!

Merry FICSMAS!, See you all again soon and we hope you’ve been enjoying Update 5 and the current FICSMAS event <3


  • Overhauled the Vehicle Recording UI, no longer a radial menu
  • All Vehicle UIs (Trains and Vehicles) are now opened with Q by default


  • Fixed some bugs with the Vehicle HUD not updating properly when stopping a recording midway without closing the loop
  • Fixed Freight Cars failing to load/unload correctly with the rule set to Fully Load/Unload which lead to them getting stuck in docking until force cancelled
  • Fixed Clients not being able to cancel the docking sequence
  • Fixed the Map not being properly visible for some players who had previously unlocked more areas of it and added some future proofing so this hopefully doesn’t happen again
  • Fixed an issue with automated vehicle wait times being reset when loading a game
  • Vehicles should no longer claim targets outside of stations when docked
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes vehicle pauses would be longer than intended when they were far from any player
  • Fixed issue where automated vehicles in long-distance mode would sometimes get out of sync for Client
  • Fixed bug where Vehicles weren’t placeable in the Truck Station docking area
  • Fixed crash that would sometimes happen when Vehicle path recordings were finished
  • Fixed bug where right clicking coupons while picking them up from the AWESOME Sink would result in losing half of them
  • Fixed not being able to rebind certain mouse buttons


  • Network Optimizations that should result in some performance gain CPU side for Servers
  • Network Optimizations that should result in some performance gain on servers hosting games with many Smart Splitters built


  • Updated all languages with the latest translations
  • Updated language completion rates
  • Bunch of consistency fixes
  • Fixed some typos


  • A reminder for people who have been having issues with unexpected crashes on startup or weird behavior with the game, in that case please try to verify your game files.

You can do this on Steam by Right Clicking the game in your Library > Properties > Local Files > Verify integrity of game files...

And on Epic by clicking on the three dots (“...”) next to the title or at the right side, depending on your selected library view > Verify

This may or may not redownload a large amount of files which might take a while depending on your internet connection or hard drive speeds so be wary of that.

If you are using mods, they might need to be updated or uninstalled after updating so please keep this in mind too.

  • If you are experiencing issues launching the game or loading a save and you have already verified your files, you might have some incompatibility with DX12 as the default renderer, you can try the following launch options to try to force DX11, DX12 or Vulkan to run respectively.

    • d3d11
    • DX11
    • d3d12
    • DX12
    • vulkan
  • Dedicated Server Crash reports, Currently Crashes that happen on a Dedicated Server are automatically sent to us, this is enabled by default, we plan on including a toggle for this in GUI but for the moment, if you want to disable automatically sending crash logs you can do this:

    • Go to the Server Install folder
    • Open “Engine.ini”
    • Add the following:
    • [CrashReportClient]
    • bImplicitSend=False
    • Save changes and restart the Server
  • To Disable Seasonal Events on Dedicated Server, you need to enter this command from the server console and then reload the game or restart the server: (Save and Load from the Save Manager also works)

    • FG.DisableSeasonalEvents 1
  • Using the following launch option should also work:

    • -DisableSeasonalEvents
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