This update brings you a new underground, player homes as well as several quality of life features.
A new home
We have redesigned the player homes from the ground up and changed up the layout a bit.
All objects have been replaced and the look is much more detailed and polished - we hope you like it as much as we do.
Additionally many objects in the player home will appear in each player's color (as you can see with the red player home above).
Conspirators will now have an easier time getting a kill when coming through the trap door
A world below
When watching testers play Eville we noticed a lot of players being confused by the underground layout, and rightly so. It was a network of tunnels vaguely representing the path layout of the map above, but it didn't translate to the underground properly leaving everyone confused during gameplay.
We went back and came up with what we believe is a better (and prettier!) solution.
The new underground has two chambers. A main room with the black market vendor and exits to all the trapdoors in the map.
The other room has all player home entrances circled around a tunnel with a minecart letting you traverse fast. On you map you can see all player home entrances as well.
In general this should help you not feel lost and traverse the underground much faster.
New Music!
We have added several new track to the game including – finally – a Main Theme for Eville!
There are also several new darker day tracks that play after you find the first body and music in the Endless Mists for our deceased folks.
You can also listen to all the tracks here in our YouTube playlist: Link to Playlist
User Interface Changes
We’ve added a large new menu covering several aspected. All supporting Keyboard/Mouse/Controller.
There is:
- an improved in game map that also lists all players in their color – can be opened by pressing “Tab”
- a new role overview that shows all the important details about your own role – can be opened by pressing “C”
- an improved Game Guide with more content and better role details – can be opened by pressing “G”
- a Event and Chat log, showing you everything that happened in the game so far – can be opened by pressing “L”
The pause menu and option menus have also been redone to support controllers as well.
Other changes, Balancing and minor improvements
- Balance – Ghosts quests bring less progress to the faction goal
- Voting – Deceased, but unreported players are now shown in the voting screen
- Map – Added many more player homes in the map that players can possibly have assigned
- UI – Improved player colors – more discernable colors
- UI – Player names are now shown on homes in the game map
- UI – Improved the Death Screen – with a fancier presentation
- UI – Improved Game End introduction a bit as well
- UI – A message is shown at night when the full moon event was triggered
- General – The new underground had no icons on the map for trapdoors and player homes
- General – Full moon event happened each night after it was triggered once
- General – The fog event did not trigger when caused by ghosts at night
- General – The full moon event did not trigger when caused by ghosts at night
- General – Some abilities did not work at night, if player or location selection was necessary
- General – The protection zone in the town square blocked the placement of some abilities
- General – When the camera showed a dead reported player you could use several abilities and place them by the body
- General - Pingable map is no longer usable at night
- General – You could brew potions if you had the same type already in your inventory, by just ignoring the greyed-out button and clicking on the full-sized panel
- General – If you picked up a spawned herb no herb would ever spawn in that spot again
- Visual – Dead players were shown as reportable at night if you hovered over them
- Voting - “Abstain” was selected if you had selected it on the day before
- Conspirator – The fog was too strong in the underground at night
- Conspirator – Conspirators could kill people inside the protection zone by just standing on the corner and attacking toward the inside
- Slanderer – Fake alarm bell – If used shortly before the night, the night would show a day timer (visual bug)
- Seer – Watchful Eye – Camera was zoomed in too far
- Seer – Watchful Eye – Seer was not able to move after being awakened by ghosts while using the watchful eye
- Detective – Sneak out – Black screen caused by death while sneaking around at night
- Ghosts – Ghosts didn’t see the color of other ghosts on the minimap
- Ghosts – Ghosts player icon was not visible on the game map
- Ghosts – Ghosts didn’t see the day skip vote
- Ghosts – Invisibility Ability – did not work when used at night
- Ghosts – Corpse marker – If used on a person, that already had a marker it was used up, but still stayed in the inventory
- Ghosts – Quests interaction were sometimes too far away, causing you not being able to interact from afar
- Ghosts – Living Attachment – Did not work on Seer’s while in the Watchful Eye ability
- Ghosts – You could fall through the open circle by the Guide NPC in the Endless Mists
- Ghosts – Skelly Man – Guide NPC had no name!
- Ghosts – Invisibility – Ability did not affect back items and accessories
- Ghosts – Quest – Leading NPCs to portal had multiple game breaking bugs
- Ghosts – Quest – Scaring away Ghosts did have an issue with multiple players on the same quest
- Item – Smoke bomb did not work when used at night
- Item – Smoke bomb did not work when used on corpses
- Item – Smoke bomb usage could not be cancelled properly
- Item – Corpse Marker – Multiple stacked corpse markers caused the sound effect not to go away after a report
- Quest - Barrel Quest - You could "Use" the barrel and have the debuff applied multiple times
- UI – Some role artworks were stretched when distributing them at the start of a game
- UI – Player homes of dead players had the wrong icon on the full map
- UI – Players could see ghost’s icons on the minimap
- UI – Brewing a potion was greyed out if you already owned a potion of said type – now it shows the ingredients in red/green if you carry them or not
- UI – Player nameplate height sizes are fixed and don’t scale up with shorter names anymore
- UI – Fixed some typos in the Game Guide
- UI – Controller Trigger and Shoulder button icons were shown incorrectly in the UI
- UI – Fixed Game Client Logo
- UI – Client Ghosts saw themselves as white on the minimap
- UI – Quest warning windows stayed open if you walked away from the Quest NPC
- UI – The player number in the nameplate sometimes was 0
- UI – The item tags in the vendor our was broken on clients
- UI – Role assumption icons clipped with the player nameplates
- UI – Herb witch had no name on the game map
- Sound – Pickup’s sound bugged out after you interacted with the herb witch
We're currently planning additional streams for ya'll! Also if you're one of the alpha testers you can join our community playtest sessions!
Make sure to follow us on social media, and on Discord to ensure you don't miss 'em.
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[/url][/url]Our Discord server is alive! You can join the conversation and hang out with other fans on the discord server and talk directly to us regarding your thoughts and ideas about Eville.
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Changed depots in testing branch