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UNDYING update for 16 December 2021

Dec 16th Weekly Update

Share · View all patches · Build 7888991 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 12:18:49 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
Improvements to Gameplay and UX
  1. [Simple trap] and [Bear Trap] can now be re-activated directly after they are triggered
  2. We added Sorting and filtering operations in the storage box so you don't have to do it!
  1. The display of the main character's attribute value is now rounded upwards
  2. Now if Anling has the option to "Rush to Cody", she doesn't need to cancel the current interaction first, she can interrupt it directly by pressing the "Rush to Cody" button
  3. The Farm quest line has had adjustments made to it
  4. Modified the skill description of Discoverer 2, to make it clearer
  5. Optimized the performance of the two ending screens of the current version of Story Mode
  1. Focus Enlargement: The attack power increase per symptom addition has been reduced from 2 points to 1 point
  2. Focus Reduction: The immunity value for each symptom cure was reduced from 2 points to 0.1 points, and the maximum immunity value provided by this recession was set to 40 points.
  3. Virus Inhibition: Set the maximum damage reduction provided by this decline to 50%
  4. Residual Humanity: The extension of the madness state time per decline is reduced from 0.5 hours to 0.2 hours
  5. Return of Humanity: the extension of the weakness state time brought by each decline is reduced from 0.5 hours to 0.2 hours
Bug fixes
  1. Fixed a problem where the item [Herb] could be used incorrectly
  2. Fixed the cooldown mechanism of the Zombie Herd, now the locations where the Zombie Herd should exist will be refreshed only when you wake up every day
  3. Fixed a problem where rabbits cannot respawn correctly
  4. Fixed a problem that the enemies in their inherent locations were not refreshed correctly
  5. Fixed an issue that may cause the Zombie Herd to respawn abnormally at the same time under the same game in survival mode
  6. Fixed the problem that when sorting the backpack while the backpack items are in use would lead to errors
  7. Fixed a series of problems caused by dropping items in the backpack when ordering Cody to interact with certain tools
  8. Fixed the problem where it does not rain correctly after a certain number of days in survival mode
  9. Fixed the problem where the theft event at your home could not be triggered correctly after a certain number of days in survival mode
  10. Fixed a problem where the theft event does not destroy the windows of your home
  11. Fixed the problem where the zombie attack event at your home is not correctly triggered after a certain number of days in survival mode
  12. Fixed an issue where the decline event "Return of Humanity" would not increase the duration of "weakness" correctly.

Stay tuned for our next update, it's going to be fuzzy and warm!

Windows Undying Main Depot 638991
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