Hey everyone!
As usual with a big update we tend to break a few things... here's an update to take care of some of these issues. We've identified a few more issues that we are working on as well. Thanks for the reports!
Extra Stash Tab Notes:
- We accidentally included a little secret from the new DLC: An additional stash tab.
- Well, we partially included it, and it would self-correct when it detected you didn't have the DLC, and eat any items you put into the new tab.
- A pretty big mistake on our end, and we are sorry for people losing items, so the extra stash tab will now be free for everyone (and it won't eat items anymore).
- Fixed the new Rune Weight system overwriting the guaranteed cycle for a fresh character - both system should now work (first get one of each Rune, then weigh towards least obtained account wide).
- Fixed some Chinese localization issues.
- Fixed major encoding issue with Spanish localization, which removed random characters making some parts of the text unintelligible.
- Fixed Spirit Guard and Battlemaster's Cape affix appearing incorrectly on items it was runed to.
- Fixed the endgame UI sometimes showing incorrect button prompts for controllers.
- Fixed invisible walls in new cave layout.
- Fixed the Monster Hunter achievement for real this time.
- Fixed some misplaced shrine spawns in Act 4 areas.
- Fixed stackable items not automatically stacking if they were put in the last inventory slot.
- Fixed transmuting an item with keys marked as favorite giving an error message but still allowing the transmutation.
Changed files in this update