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Euro Truck Simulator 2 update for 16 December 2021

Christmas Toys of Yesteryear Event 2021

Share · View all patches · Build 7888819 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

There are some things in life that are timeless, where the memory remains as strong today as the feeling was in the past. Perhaps like the first time you were given your most favourite Christmas toy. If you agree then you may also concur that some toys from bygone days retain a charm and magic that makes them irresistible, even today, to both young and old alike. Moreover, we feel there is something incredibly rewarding when you get the opportunity in life to share such a toy with someone else. It’s a chance to offer something special and personal, something from your past.

So, without further ado, may we present to you our Christmas Toys of Yesteryear event, for Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator! We would like to share with you, our ‘something old & something new’, take on Christmas this year.

For this challenge, we are asking you to deliver Gifts cargo across all trucking territories. We will be awarding Gifts to cities, based on the number of deliveries it gives or receives. The more a city gives or receives, the more Gifts that city gets, to a maximum of 10.

You’ll be able to track the community progress on World of Trucks or directly in the game using the updated External Contracts interface.

We will be rewarding the players each time the community reaches a new tier with a specially hand crafted truck-interior vintage toy, created with fond memory and love, right here by our very own developers at SCS.

Along with this nostalgic event we also have our annual Christmas Stream featuring Pavel Šebor! We'll be revealing some exclusive content from upcoming projects, speaking about the past year including all that we did for our games, and we'll be hosting a massive giveaway sponsored by HyperX, DAF Trucks, Krone Trailers, Thrustmaster, and also us. This is not a stream to miss, and it will take place tonight, Thursday, Dec 16 from 18:00 CET on our twitch and youtube channels.

Then, on the following day the 17th of December from 18:00 CET, we'll host our own special Christmas Toys of Yesteryear developer stream, with game designer Gavin, where together we will join in on the event by contributing to the community goal, while discussing, among other things, the magic in the toys of yesteryear. You might even see some vintage toys that are owned and cherished by our very own developers.

Toys of Yesteryear Event Rules:

Using External Contracts with a World of Trucks-connected profile in Euro Truck Simulator 2, American Truck Simulator or both, the community is to get as many Gifts as possible awarded to as many cities as possible across all trucking territories. Every city can achieve up to 10 Gifts!

For a city to gain 1 Gift the community must make 1000 deliveries to or from it, using the provided Gifts cargo.

Each tier of 350 Gifts assigned, will unlock a unique community reward for both games.

For a Personal goal, complete at least 15 deliveries of Gifts cargo in either Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator or both games combined.


Personal goal: Your contribution of  15 or more deliveries of Gifts cargo will gain you:

  • A special World of Trucks Achievement
  • A beautiful array of decorative lighting for truck cabs in each game, at least 1 for each truck brand, as a truck accessory item. 

Community goals: Each tier of 350 Gifts,  assigned to cities, will unlock unique community rewards for both games. There will be 7 tiers in total, so after 2450 Gifts are achieved all community goals will be completed, so let's ride!

One final tip, if you haven't already figured it out and you would like to add just that extra special Christmas touch, then if you have our Christmas Paint Jobs Pack DLCs (ETS2, ATS), you will find that you can perfectly match your truck paint job with the Gifts cargo event trailer paint job that you're about to haul!

Note: In order to qualify for any community reward, you must complete at least your personal goal in Euro Truck Simulator 2, American Truck Simulator or both. Each reward will be a Steam inventory item for both Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator. Once completed, claim your reward in the Events page on your World of Trucks profile.

The event will be concluded on Sunday the 16th of January at 23:59 UTC.

We're looking forward to hearing from you during your nostalgic Christmas journeys and convoys, and we are especially looking forward to seeing more of your photos as you meet your goals and receive your toys of yesteryear, this season of giving! Share your screenshots and videos with us using the hashtag #XmasToysOfYesteryear on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram profiles and we will share our favorite ones.

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