I appear to be on a roll..
- New event: Streakyama! This is a special event where you can opt to pray to this stone idol god thing and it'll randomly change the power you get from having a full hit streak meter (which is normally +50% XP). This is of course totally optional. You can only receive a blessing from Streakyama once per game. You can view the Streakyama blessing whenever you have a maxed out hit streak meter on the Status screen. It'll be on the effects list in aqua text
- There are some new modifiers on a game's run length. Normal- Enemy physical attack strength is 100% of normal, chest quality is regular. Short- Enemy physical attack power is bumped up a bit to 125% and the chance to get better stuff from chests is reduced (albeit slightly). A long run reduces the enemy attack strength to 75% and increases the chance of getting better stuff from chests a small amount.
- Improved the graphics for the Priest Cap, Evasion Cloak (hood) and Merlin's Duds (hood) when equipped
- The wizard and cleric's sprites on the character select screen were also improved to reflect these changes to these hoods
- Guidance's pop up message when you touch an exit ladder is shorter and more concise now
- Fixed a bug where you would go to start a new game while a saved game exists, and it'd loop back to the "do you want to delete the old game?" screen after choosing "NO". This error exists due to my recent method of skipping the title screen scroll in the last build
- Fixed the Priest Cap's item display to show the negative gold found penalty
- Trimmed Guidance's item description a bit so it doesn't run off the item card!
That's all for now, have a good night!
-Dave / Del_Duio
Changed files in this update