Hello everyone! The game was just updated with version 0.47a
It's a pretty substantial update, that focuses on completely reworking the beginning of the game and the first 1-2 hours of playtime.
I've made original starting zones back in 2019, when actual gameplay of the game was a whole lot different. Most of you probably don't know, but the game originally had battle system similar to old RPGs or MMOs, which was basically autoattack with some abilities and battle pause. There were almost no advanced traversal abilities, and the world was much more flat. Later down the line, the gameplay was changed, but original zones stayed the same. Additionally, I wasn't as experienced in designing open world zones, as I am now. I am no expert by any means, but atleast I better understand things like zone flow, zones of influence, signposting for points of interest etc. If you played the game till the end, you might have noticed that later zones are much better to explore, that the first one.
The problem was that a lot of new players made their mind about the game by judging it over the starting zone, which was the weakest one at that moment. So that's why decided to put a huge effort into remaking it. Basically, the zone is completelly different now. The layout is changed, enemies and resources are changed, Overgrown cave was remade, I've added new caves, new challenges, new world bosses and rewards. Quests were changed a lot too. Now, originally, my thought process of making them was to have a couple of simple ones at the start to be sort of a "tutorial" ones for game mechanics. These are the quests about fixing the well, killing a bear, getting a horse. But what happened is they ended up just being underwhelming and forgettable, while the players learned game mechanics themselves fairly easy. So i decided to rework them, add few story beats and cutscenes to them, remove ones which I considered not worth keeping, and overall make them more exciting at the start. Hope it worked out well enough.
Second zone (Golden Forest) didn't receive as huge reworking as the starting one, I've added a few details and points of interest here and there, but overall it stayed the same. I think it now works better after the first one, because the first one is more different and makes a better contrast between them.
Other changes:
- You can now travel with waypoints only when you stand on one. I decided to nerf waypoints that way, not only because it made travelling too easy, which made the world feel small, but, more than that, it made abilities like teleportation and items like homing stone basically useless. I never actually intended to make them like this, it was an oversight that I decided to keep at the time.
- Fixed animation bug with Star walker and lightning mage skeletons
- Blood demon now attacks with mouse hold, not click. It also receives melee bonuses, similar to werewolf
- Fixed the bug when assigned abilities used skill level 1 after loading a game
- Fixed potatoes not giving cooking bonuses
- Fixing climbing down ladder animation
- Fixed assigning on Mouse buttons 4 and 5
- Fixed few small bugs and issues
What's next?
I plan to do pretty big gameplay update next. A lot of issues of high-level scaling piled up, basically a lot of mechanics were working fine at lower levels, but then became overpowered or obsolete at high levels with endgame gear. Working on modding is going well too. I am still early, so I can't show much yet, but I've figured a lot of UI choices and mechanics that I plan to do, so I might introduce the first part in one of the next couple of updates.
Thank you for your support!
Check out my youtube channel (I might post previews of new updates there, or might not):
I also plan to stream Gedonia development on twitch sometimes, so you can follow me there
Changed files in this update