This patch contains a few quality of life changes and tweaks based on community feedback. If you have any ideas or suggestions for the game then please head over to the Steam Community Hub for Stickit and post them there!
- Ledge Climbing - If you stick near enough to a ledge you will be able Jump normally, allowing you to climb up the edge if you stuck just below it.
- Killzone (red zone) nerf - The time it takes to exit the "disabled" state that the player enters when hitting a Killzone has been reduced. Furthermore the time it takes for the mid-air dash recharge to start after hitting a Killzone has been reduced.
- Dynamic FOV Setting - The Dynamic FOV changes that occur based on the player's speed can now be reduced or turned off entirely in the options menu.
- Link to the subreddit /r/stickit in Mainmenu - The community created a subreddit to share skips and strategies, so I added a convenient link in the Mainmenu for other people to find it!
Changed files in this update