While we originally planned to have 3D troops in our game, during the early development phase the experiments with 3D models were unsuccessful. At that point, years ago, we decided to switch to 2D sprites, which allowed improved performance, and a working solution for the time being. After the game’s release in September, we ran another round of experiments with 3D troops, as we had planned to do post-release. This time we succeeded, and with patch 1.03 the sprite troops finally rest in peace, as our civil war soldiers enter the third dimension.
Smoother, and Better Looking.
The sprites did have many limitations. As we kept the number of different animations quite high, the number of frames per animation was limited. Also, customization options were limited, as each large sprite sheet reserved a chunk of VRAM. We did try to overcome the lack of customization by allowing custom coloring of the uniforms, but when creating variation within a single unit using color variation, the end result was not optimal. While functional, the sprite engine also had some side effects, like certain abrupt movements, which was quite apparent especially with courier movements.
Our artist has been working hard on the 3D models and animations since the release of the game. With the new 3D troop engine, the game’s visuals take a leap forward. Animations are much smoother in general, and the 3D soldiers allowed us some more variety in the soldiers’ looks. Now we can have different uniforms and equipment even within a single unit, with little to no negative effect in performance.
The 3D troop engine also allows further improvements in the future. The changes in patch 1.03 are the first step, more improvements will follow.
Other Visual Improvements.
While the main focus in the visual improvements was in the troops, the battle field has also received some other visual improvements. With the 3D troops being less sensitive to certain camera angles, the improved camera controls allow more varied visuals. Updates in the particle effects department and fog rendering also have made the battle field a bit more pleasing to watch, especially in combination with the weather effects. As the 3D troops are no longer “detached” from the environment, like the sprites were, the end result is a much more coherent look.
Other Changes.
While patch 1.03 was mainly focused on the introduction of the 3D troops, there are also some other nice, and highly requested changes:
- 3D Troops: new 3D models, with improved, smoother animations & uniform variation.
- New Battles: battle of Stones River and Champion Hill added to the list of historical battles. Also a new regiment level version of 1st Manassas added.
- Saves: a new load/save panel to manage all saves, loading possible also during a game.
- Options: realism options moved from game options to scenario start up screen, and saved per game. * Further game options added, including "lock battle camera rotation".
- Occupied States: if all cities within a hostile state are captured, the state is considered occupied, even if it will not change sides due to low support. Armies with low readiness can operate in occupied states normally.
- Updated Manual: manual and Field Book are adjusted to portray the recent changes.
- Bug fixes and minor AI adjustments.
Most Respy,
Gen’l. Ilja Varha,
Chief Designer, &c.,
The Grand Tactician -Team
Changed files in this update