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Interpoint update for 14 December 2021

Our biggest bugfix update + Discord server announcement

Share · View all patches · Build 7882666 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


Hello everyone! It's been almost a year since we've released the game's BETA, and thanks to you we've got a lot of useful feedback. Now we're releasing our biggest bugfix update to make the present content as clean and bug-free as it can be.

High framerate bugs

We've noticed that users with high-end hardware which are usually having high framerates are experiencing certain issues with the game, for example physics objects behaving strange, and rotating things spinning faster than it should. We've done a lot of work on these issues and now the framerate-related problems shouldn't interfere with your experience with INTERPOINT.

New lighting features

We've added new volumetric lighting features into the game to make the visuals even more atmospheric!

New engine version & lots of small fixes

We also updated the game to the latest version of Unreal Engine, making it more stable. A lot of smaller issues, like texture flickering & sound mixing problems were fixed as well.

Our new Discord server

We've recently launched a Discord server for our game, where we will be posting our development progress as well as other news about the game and our team. You can join it via this link:

Thanks for staying with us and participating in the development of INTERPOINT!

-Three Dots Team

Windows 64-bit INTERPOINT Win64 Depot 1002021
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