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Dread Templar update for 15 December 2021

Content update #4 (part 1) is out now!

Share · View all patches · Build 7882618 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Greetings Templars!

The new content update has just been released!

There is somewhat less content in it than we initially planned. When working on all the new levels, enemies and bossfight, we realized we might not make it all on time and release a properly tested update on schedule in December as we originally announced. This is why we've decided to complete the first of the two planned levels, thoroughly test it and polish it and release it as "Part 1" of Content Update 4, rather than risk making you wait for the update as a whole. We are hard at work to get the rest of the promised content very soon.

For now, please enjoy the new level, "Dead Sails", and a short trailer we have prepared:

New content:

  1. New E3M1 level "Dead Sails", including:
  • 4 new enemies.
  • 2 new golden emblems and 4+ silver emblems
  • 1 side area
  • 1 super secret
  • 1 new song

How to enter the "Dead Sails" level?

  • If you have finished Chapter 2, E3M1 will be available from the level select menu.
  • You can also enter E3M1 normally in the campaign mode from the E2M5's final portal.
  1. The Halloween area becomes a super super secret
    You can now find your way into the Halloween area through the super secret in E1M1!

  2. Some enemy rebalancing and adjustment of the supplies locations.

We also wanted to thank everyone who voted for us in the Indie of the Year 2021 Awards. Thanks to you, Dread Templar made it to the Top 100 and we are now in the finals! With so many excellent indie games being released, this is a huge honor for us. And if you believe the game deserves to be among the fabled Top 10 and want to give us the best Christmas present ever, please go vote for Dread Templar in the Released - First Person Shooter category on the voting page!

This is one of the best ways to show your appreciation for the game and help us out. But we appreciate any other type of feedback just as much - be it a review written here on Steam, a post in our discussions or coming to our Discord server. Your participation energizes us and all your suggestions and feedback really, really help us out in making the best game that we can for you, so don't be shy!

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