The holidays are nearing and we wanted to give you all something very special. That is why we are delighted to welcome you all to the Alithea SKI RESORT. We have worked hard on getting this level ready for you.
It has been busy with the launch of 1.0, but we love to create stuff, the holidays are nearing and therefore we are so happy we made it in time for all of you to enjoy.
We have strived to put as many goodies as humanly possible into this patch and we hope you will enjoy it as much as we have had making it.
The team is slowly gearing up for the Holidays so expect that we will monitor the arrival of this patch - probably submit a final patch, but then the team will be off for a well earned Christmas Break.
Everyone at Invisible Walls & Versus Evil wish you a “Glædelig Jul” as we say in Denmark!
What respectable Cruise Ship does not have an indoor ski resort? Certainly not Alithea! A multitude of apartments, bars and activities litter this environment.
At the Ski Resort you can jump on a pair of skis and carve the mountain as much as you want thanks to the inbuilt ski lifts that ferry Residents up and down (not Personoids - those filthy robots should stay out in the cold and clean up).
In this wintery map we celebrate the leisurely life in the mountains - never forgetting to chill with some warm liquor at the after ski lounges.
Do you think that it is sometimes too hard to get away with murder? Now it is much easier to kill unexpected Residents. The Ski Resort is filled with Snow Blowers that make the whole environment filled with snow - maybe a bit too much if you want to be able to see where your friends are. They are only able to be activated by Personoids.
Snow is here, there and everywhere. Why not roll it up into a ball and throw it into your friend's face? The snow on Alithea is a little different with a hit causing the victim to go tumbling a great distance.
A butterfly flapping its wings may cause a typhoon across the world. Likewise, touching an innocent snowball on the top of a mountain may lead to a Resident having a very bad day at the morgue.
The Personoids have been slacking off and dangerous icicles are building up on the ceilings in the ski resort. You better be careful as they randomly fall and it would not take more than a well placed snowball to make them drop on an unexpected resident.
The kitchen left out some delicious Tiramisu for everyone to enjoy. However, be careful someone may have soaked them a bit too much in alcohol. This cake would not be ideal to throw in a fire that someone is trying to extinguish.
- NEW LEVEL: Ski Resort
- NEW FEATURE: Blizzard
- NEW PICKUP: Snowballs
- NEW LEVEL HAZARD: Huge Rolling Snowballs
- NEW LEVEL HAZARD: Falling Icicles
- NEW PICKUP: Rum Soaked Tiramisu
- Removed the initial Voice Settings splash screen as it is not present on PS4/PS5 anyway. With the microphone disclaimer on the start screen then we think it is fine with just having the options in the settings menu.
- Tweaked the FCT Post Process.
- Adjusted the amount of information available for the players in the Server Room before C.A.I.N. Now it will be more random the amount of information you will receive.
- Updated the settings menu to have a more sleek look and feel.
- Tweaked how data is streamed in on the end screen.
- Reduced the Biovision Cooldown to 3.5 seconds.
- Reduced the amount of computers that needs to be fixed in the Personoid Quarters.
- You are now able to carry both a Fire Extinguisher and the Water Pistol.
- Reworked and added back the boost on the Vruumbas.
- Changed the way that we handle cloud data for users that have many friends. It should now behave more as it was intended, however this is a process so you might run into a snag or two.
- Fixed additional cases that could potentially crash the game.
- Fixed smoke and fire particles going through roofs.
- Fixed additional localization issues - this will be an ongoing process.
- Fixed players occasionally not receiving any experience after an end match.
- Fixed the sound on the Oxygen Hand in action.
- Fixed the sound on the Find Game in progress.
- Fixed the Hazmat Suit disappearing from players.
- Fixed the friends highlight of the players on the social menu.
- Fixed the Push-To-Talk keybind not being saved.
- Fixed various keybindings not being saved.
- Fixed some issues with highlights and transparency.
- Fixed the blocking on recently played with having no feedback.
- Fixed when you grab someone who disconnects you will no longer continue to grab nothing.
- Fixed it so you are able to interact with players straight after an Airlock Meeting.
- Fixed light map on the Ship in the Starting Area.
- Fixed Vruumba keybindings not changing in the UI.
- Fixed the Shadow on the Bar in the main menu.
- Fixed the objective wording in the Personoid Quarters to be less confusing.
- Fixed the Vruumba Flag holder so it is hidden when first loading in your Vruumba.
- Fixed the glass shader on the Vruumba being almost invisible.
- Fixed the Welcome Aboard trophy not unlocking.
- Fixed the Welcome to the Jungle trophy not unlocking.
- Fixed the Free Sandwich when you get 10 trophy not unlocking.
- Fixed the Welcome Aboard trophy not unlocking.
- Map Voting: If you emote during map voting you can run into a situation where you will not be able to take part of the map vote.
Fix: Do not emote if you want to vote :)
Thanks so much for reading!
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