- Support for KHR_materials_iridescence (experimental)
- Support for KHR_materials_emissive_strength (experimental)
- Support for complex assets consisting of a high number of morph targets/joints/weights
- Handling of texcoord and color morph target attributes
- Revisited material debug views
- Import PBR images to a glTF 2.0 material
- Modify textures by integrating external tools
- Convert specular-glossiness to metallic-roughness
- Optimize animations
- Store minified glTF file
- Option to recalculate indices before applying Draco mesh compression
- Improved selection outline rendering
- Integrated latest KHR_materials_specular specification changes
- Memory leak with transmissive assets
- Crash on rare occasions after switching render mode and loading a different asset
- Draco mesh compression on shared accessors
- Crash on undo after converting image
- Rearranging nodes did not reflect glTF on rare occasions
- Adding a camera from view doesn't match viewport camera
- KTX2 UASTC compression popup shows wrong parameters
- Multiple scenes should be able to contain the same root nodes
- CLI parameter handling
- Uniform scaling in viewport
- Handling of special characters in USDZ export
- Handling of textures without source
- Broken wireframe when meshes share material
- Interleaved data is duplicated on save
- Crash on deletion of referenced textures
Changed files in this update