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Obsidian Prince update for 14 December 2021

The Staff Update!

Share · View all patches · Build 7879485 · Last edited 14 December 2021 – 09:09:15 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

New Weapon added: Staff!
The staff is intended to supplement affliction heavy characters and builds. It's hard get right (and requires some luck), but when you do, you can explode an entire room...

"Shoot a Magic Missile at a random enemy. On kill, shoot again. For minions, there is a 25% chance of shooting again."

Semi-Automatic Staff - Shoot an additional Magic Missile. Stacks.
Staves Aligned - If an enemy has a status effect applied, do 50% more damage. Does not stack.
Chromatic - Apply a random status effect to your opponent before shooting at it.

Bug fixes:
Ground effects with on death-effects (Like Recycle) should now work as intended in Ascension 9.
You can no longer hear XP ticks after closing the loot window.
Song on title screen now repeats for a while.
Lowered Death scene music volume.
The secret, hidden NPC was found and is now even more secret and hidden. Good luck!

Various minor bugs have been squished.

Windows Obsidian Prince Content Depot 1373261
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