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Tower Unite update for 13 December 2021

Weekly Dev Log for December 13th, 2021

Share · View all patches · Build 7877603 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Weekly Dev Log for December 13th, 2021, detailing all the changes that have happened since December 6th, 2021. Note: Devs that don't appear in the weekly log are not necessarily away or not doing work, but may be working on things currently not announced or backend work that doesn't need to be detailed.

Last Dev Log of 2021

Next week begins our holiday break at PixelTail Games, and we'll be back in full development on January 3rd, 2022.

As such, the next Weekly Dev Log will be January 10th, 2022!

December 2021 Condo Contest IN PROGRESS!

The theme this time, just like last year, is Winter and/or Winter Festivity!

As always, feel free to interpret that how you see fit, as long as the connection to the theme is clear. Desolate snowy landscapes, snowed-in cabins, winter wonderlands, Christmas villages- anything wintery can work, so have fun with it!

The deadline to submit your entries is January 2nd, 2022 at 11:59PM CT.

You can read more about the contest here.

Accessibility Suggestions

We've created a forum post asking the community for suggestions on how we can improve gameplay for players with certain conditions such as colorblindness, dyslexia, or anything else that might affect a players ability to use the standard presentation and controls of the game.

If you have any ideas or suggestions, and possible solutions on how to solve a particular issue, please check out the forum post here.


Johanna continued working on future Plaza updates, getting the new store interior finished and working on signage.

Wheezwer continued working on concept art for the Celebrations NPC, as well as working on concept art for signage.

Will continued working on the audio pass for the Plaza.


JJosh continued working on new holiday items, as well as a "Floating Text Sign" item.

macdguy added commenting to more Canvas items, and fixed some issues with the holiday lights.

Condo: New Holiday Light Animations

Condo: Fixed a bug where holiday light strands wouldn't create light

Condo: Floating Text Sign Item


Caboose700 worked with Sketchman on stabilizing the backend systems.

Lifeless continued working on the Zombie Massacre map, Acrophobia.

macdguy worked on various bug fixes and UI tweaks.

madmijk continued working on the new saving and loading system.

Sketchman worked on stabilizing the backend systems.

Wrap It Up

That about covers everything that happened since December 6th, 2021 at PixelTail Games.

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<3 PixelTail Games

Changed depots in developer branch

View more data in app history for build 7877603
Windows 64-bit Tower Unite Depot Windows Depot 394692
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