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Shield Cat update for 13 December 2021

121321 Shield Cat Patch

Share · View all patches · Build 7876973 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 13:31:59 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Howdy! Here's another small patch update to the build from a week ago. This one mainly focuses on bug fixes, including one that could despawn Lance right out of the room, so be sure to update! Some of the changes I made may cause their own issues, so please let me know if you encounter anything weird as a result of this update.

The full list of changes is below:

===== NEW =====
  • A shine has been added to objects that you can interact with.
  • Holding the sprint button down in the menu will make the menu faster.
  • Dialogue will now go faster when sprint is held (same as holding the OK button. If you hold both, it goes even faster.)
===== IMPROVED =====
  • Changed the drawing routine of lights to be more efficient.
  • Cam Lockers are managed much better now, reducing the likelyhood of high instance counts when going between screens.
  • Improved the functionality of the free camera (debug mode only)
  • There is now a sound effect and vibration associated with stepping on metal.
  • The debug function for drawing hitboxes will now also draw additional information related to that object.
===== CHANGED =====
  • Changed when Lance checks if he should go into the next screen/indoors/outdoors, which reduces the ability to pause buffer through entrances/teleport zones, or over gaps.
  • Lance's wall collision checks are now more aggressive.
  • Reduced the bass in a sound effect used in the mailbox minigame.
  • Changed the descriptions for damage modifiers in the difficulty settings to be a lot more clear.
  • Changed the "Tough" difficulty so Lance's attack against enemies and objects is 1.0x (instead of 0.8x)
  • Cloud particles that come from mystery orbs upon being destroyed will no longer appear in front of Lance, blocking your view of his smug face.
  • Changed the win conditions of a specific puzzle to make it easier to figure out what you have to do.
===== BUG FIXES =====
  • Fixed a bug where enabling the CRT blur without enabling the CRT bend would draw the darkness on the edge of the screen anyways without bending the screen, causing part of the view to be obscured.
  • Fixed a bug where objects trying to push Lance out of their collision could softlock the game if they're unable to find a free spot.
  • Fixed a bug where Lance spinning causes a memory leak.
  • Fixed a bug where Lance spinning toward an object he couldn't get to could cause his spin to never wind down.
  • Fixed a bug where the game would guide Lance toward objects on the other side of walls, causing him to spin indefinitely but never reach the object. (Trust me this is a similar but not the same bug as the one I just said)
  • Fixed a bug where levers were not truly destroyed when destroyed.
  • Fixed a bug where causing Roxy to dematerialize and then very quickly speaking to her again could cause the game to crash.
  • Fixed a bug where Lance could interact with NPCs through walls or otherwise from much further away than he should be able to (If you're not able to interact with some NPCs after this change, let me know.)
  • Fixed a bug where terminating the free camera mode would not reset the size of the camera.
  • Fixed a bug where overlays would not draw correctly when zooming in or out with the free camera.
  • Using the scroll wheel will no longer change Lance's abilities while the free camera is enabled.
  • The game should no longer crash if a dialogue box's calling object ceases to exist during the dialogue (due to other bugs.)
  • Lance will no longer have more than maximum health when changing the game's difficulty and then going to a new stage.
  • Fixed a bug where ravens would show at the wrong depth when stepping into the screen.
  • Changing the difficulty in a stage and then reloading that stage (through various methods) no longer has the chance of crashing the game.
  • Fixed a bug where objects would temporarily lose any scaling that had been applied to them when going between screens.
  • Fixed a bug where obtaining the gold/silver fish statues on lower graphics settings wouldn't draw correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where hitting the large gear arrows with the spin and one of Lance's abilities simultaneously would despawn Lance.
  • Fixed a bug where Lance would still be realigned by corners of walls or by objects with collision while using noclip.
  • Fixed a bug where bombs would not explode when hitting the gear arrow.
Linux Shield Cat - Linux Depot 1522811
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Windows Shield Cat - Windows Depot 1522812
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