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Fireworks Mania update for 16 December 2021

OUT NOW: Workshop, day/night, City map and more

Share · View all patches · Build 7875858 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

New Years eve is approaching and I thought that would be a great time to release a major update of Fireworks Mania - so lets get to it!


One of the most requested features for Fireworks Mania have always been mod support/workshop support. Therefore it is also high on my todo list, as stated in the roadmap.

During 2021 I have been working on making it a reality and today I give you an in-game Workshop from where you can subscribe to mods.

This is only the first version of workshop/mod support, as there are lot more I can do to give modders more possibilities and make it easier for them. So I plan to just continue on improving and extending this over time.

Over the past 3-4 weeks, mod creators have had early access to the Mod Tools and have already produced over 60 mods that are ready for you here at launch day for this new version - really well done modders!

A really big thanks to the mod community for Fireworks Mania, which have already managed to do some really really great fireworks and other funny items that you can get now via the Workshop.

By the way, the Workshop is in the game and that's where you actually download the mods by subscribing, but the Workshop can also be browsed in your browser, where you can also provide feedback to the mod creators etc.

If you want to try and make mods yourself, you can start here:

If you run into problem or have questions you can always head over to the mod section of our Discord, as there are some really talented and helpful people there:

Day & Night Cycle

Another requested feature is the ability to play at day time. For most fireworks this doesn't really make sense, as they are hard to see, but for smoke fireworks for instance it looks much better.
By using the new "Day Night Time Tool" you can adjust the speed of the cycle to set the mood/light you want for your fireworks show.

City map

The request to be able to fire of fireworks in a big city, maybe even from the roof tops, have also been very requested - so I bring you the City map.

...and more

There are a ton of other minor changes, most things you won't see directly.
However, there are also changes that you will see, like some more destructible things, a few new fireworks and maybe also a single new hidden firework.

  • Enjoy :)

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