Hey everyone! We want to thank you all for the love and attention you’ve shown Beat Blast. It’s been an amazing journey for the team releasing our first game on Steam. A big part of that is the support we’ve gotten from our awesome community that’s been with us for nearly two years of public builds, QA and testing. For those of you that haven’t picked up the game since launch, we encourage you to come give it another try. You might be surprised just how much it’s changed from feedback from players like you!
Today, we are providing Beat Blast’s final feature update. If critical bugs appear, we will of course provide hotfixes and we will still be around on our discord to chat with players. After nearly two and a half years of updates, our team is really happy with the state of the game and excited about the next project we’ll be working on. We’re a ways away from an announcement, but keep an eye out for us!
Without any further ado, let’s get to the update!
The MIDIverse has begun coming apart at the seams. Those of you who have found a certain golden portal may be familiar these sorts of rare occurrences. Keep your eyes peeled for anything unusual. You might just be able to use it to your advantage!
Aside from the glitches mentioned above, we are also introducing two new room types, a large collection of bug fixes and a visual update in level 1 to prevent it getting too stale. Chest rooms offer you a bunch of chests to choose from. One has amazing loot and one will explode...are you feeling lucky? The second room type is a Slot Machine room, which lets you spend your hard earned blops for some extra loot in your current run. Those of you that have already unlocked everything can finally put your extra blops to good use! Neither of these new rooms will appear in choice rooms, you will simply stumble on them from time to time.
There will now be a 10% chance upon entering an enemy room that you’ll get different variations of the original level 1 enemies. These newer versions behave in exactly the same way; they just provide some visual variety to the most commonly seen enemies.
Lastly, we want to let you know there will be a big 60% off winter holiday sale on Beat Blast, so if you are waiting on buying the game or you know a friend waiting, the holidays would be the best time to get Beat Blast. Happy holidays and new years!
Patch notes below:
- Level 1 is getting some visual variety! Every now and then level 1 enemies will get a fresh new look
- The MIDIverse has begun coming apart at the seams. Those of you who have found a certain golden portal may be familiar these sorts of rare occurances. Keep a sharp eye out for anything unusual
- Two new rooms types are in the game, Chest and Slot Machine!
- Chest rooms will offer you a bunch of chests, but you can only choose one and not all have the same awesome loot hiding within
- Slot Machine rooms allow you to spend excess blops for extra equipment, passive and power notes
- Shrine room walls can no longer hurt you with the Operation modifier
- Confirmation is now required before exiting to main menu or restarting a run
- Loot rooms are slightly more common to stumble across (outside of choice rooms)
Bug Fixes
- Fix for rare bug that could cause some enemies to be invulnerable
- Security upgrade to prevent potential cheaters from utilizing dev commands
- Heat Seeking Missiles now included in Wizzup, as intended
- In rare cases, game text could disappear until a run was restarted
- Repeater can no longer allow you to apply/remove purple notes in colourblind modes
- Fixed rare bug where players could survive with 0 health
Changed files in this update