The path ahead is here. It's time for us to stipulate the plethora of content ahead for Sheltered 2 to over the course of 2022! Next year will see your post-apocalyptic experience incrementally enhanced with new features, gameplay additions and quality of life improvements! These updates will also include many, smaller, quality of life and gameplay updates along the way.
We appreciate your valuable feedback and patience since release, the passion you've showed for Sheltered 2 has helped us fix and address many issues — further aiding our endeavour in ensuring your experience out there is the best it can be.
Today's update brings Wall Painting, Crafting Panel improvements, Expedition Improvements; including various additions and fixes to Sheltered 2!
2022 will see Pets & Pets update, bringing animals to your shelter; a Factions Overhaul, with new interactions and encounter options; a Map update, which encompasses dynamic weather and new random encounters; followed by Character Redesigns, expected in fall 2022!
As you can see, there's plenty ahead to get your teeth into (despite your lack of resources in the brutal climate) - we hope you're as excited as we are to bring this range of new content to Sheltered 2! Everything in the roadmap will be free of charge.
Thank you for your continued support! Any questions, let us know in the comments below.
Patch notes
Today's roadmap update releases with a vast array of fixes and improvements, now live in Sheltered 2!
New Content
• Added Festive Tree and Festive Lights objects
o Tier one on the Drafting Table
• Can now paint certain walls and add decals
o Select “Decorate Walls” from the drafting table to go into decorating mode
o Left click a wall to select it and then use the colour/decal pickers to change the colour and decals
o Requires one paint can to paint a room or add a decal
• Each faction HQ now has its own unique dialogue
Quality of Life Improvements
• Faction jobs can now be cancelled by the player
o Click the red X on the job listing
• The estimated crafting quality of items is now displayed on the workbench crafting panel
• The game camera will no longer respond to mouse movement when the game is not focused
• When hovering over a locked tier on a crafting panel it will now display what requirements must be met to unlock that tier
• Added blueprint crafting tier to blueprint descriptions
• Hovering over the Drafting Table now displays how many blueprints have been added to it, along with the total number available for each tier
• Added option to switch temperature metric from Celsius to Fahrenheit
• Wind Turbines and Solar Panels now display their current max output based on the wind/sun levels instead of their absolute max possible output
• Rescue jobs now list the target faction
• Anyone using the Fire Extinguisher will now put out all objects on fire, instead of just the one, before returning it
• The game now displays “Waiting…” when loading save slot information on the save panel
• Added “seeds” to the item filter options
• The faction setup menu now displays the faction name in upper and lower case characters
• The trade panel now displays the total weight of the items to be traded
• When placing/rearranging objects you can now snap them to the closest object using Left Alt
• Skills panel – A yellow dot will now appear next to any stat that has unspent points
Balancing Changes
• Paint cans added to items obtainable from workable Factories
• Balanced the difficulty of generic stranger encounters (all region difficulty levels)
• Animal encounters now scale with the region difficulty
• The interaction length of harvesting plants from planters has been increased in higher tier planters
• Characters will no longer receive mood modifiers from conversations if the conversation ends early
• Increased the number of items obtained from killing bears and wolves
• Unarmed attacks now gain a damage increase of 10% per Strength level
o This also applies to skills which deal base damage if you are unarmed
• Duplicate ingredients can no longer be added to the mix when mixing for recipes at a Laboratory
• Reduced the integrity degradation rates of some objects by roughly 25%
o Air Conditioner, Desk Fan, Pedestal Fan
o All beds
o All exercise equipment
o All internal planters
o All recyclers
o All showers
o All sinks
o All toilets
Graphical Changes
• Stone room wall model updated
• The Black Roses HQ encounter tile has been flipped
Audio Changes
• Lowered bass on character UI sounds
Bug Fixes
• Fixed an issue where you would not be able to cancel a job to incinerate a corpse
• Fixed a missing faction bio text on the faction creation screen
• Fixed an issue where different quality items could stack up together
• Fixed an issue where members of expedition parties would return hungry when they had travel rations
• Fixed issue with Camping Gear not degrading when used
• Fixed an issue with motorcycles disappearing when zooming the camera
• Fixed an issue where burnt-out objects could no longer be interacted with
• Fixed an issue where characters could become unresponsive when trying to incinerate a body
• Fixed an issue where harvesting plants from a Small Planter was instantaneous
• Fixed an issue where a text key is displayed on the “carry corpse” job icon on the avatar panel
• Fixed an issue where a partly constructed object would no longer flash after performing a save/load
• Fixed the Infinite Ration going missing when fed to a prisoner
• Fixed an issue where the fortitude stat would increase at a faster rate when using exercise objects outside of the required level range
• Fixed an issue where the splint item could be used on someone without a broken bone
• Fixed the Knick Artery skill so that the bleeding effect does stack
• Fixed an issue where characters could no longer increase their fortitude using exercise objects when their dexterity or strength had reached 20
• Fixed issue with tools not being added to the workbench
• Fixed an issue where breachers could get stuck at the door
• Fixed an issue where any rescue jobs involving the CTK Mob or Black Roses would display the intro text as a text key
• Fixed an issue where vehicle frames were degrading along with vehicle parts. The frames will no longer degrade.
• Fixed an issue where pickup trucks would float as they left the shelter
• Fixed an issue where characters were not riding the motorcycle correctly
• Fixed the estimated integrity calculation on the object crafting panel to include the room light bonus
• Fixed an issue where quests would fail to spawn if the player already has five active quests
• Fixed an issue where characters would not sleep in rooms which have been assigned to characters that are now dead or have left the shelter
• Fixed an issue which can result in books becoming unobtainable
• Adjusted armour damage reduction percentages to match their descriptions
• All faction jobs will now be automatically cancelled when a faction is wiped out
• Lowered the charisma check value from 12 to 8 on the Church of Hope’s Stage 1 – Hopeful Number 2 quest to match the dialogue
• Objects which have no integrity level will no longer display an integrity level on the clipboard or fuse box panels
• Can no longer prepare travel rations from food ingredients
• Fixed some text which wasn’t being localised on the rations panel on the map
• Fixed an issue with characters not using the sink before eating
• Removed the current events button from the map
• Fixed an issue with the Incinerator integrity not degrading
• The Advanced Mechanics faction goal can now be completed
• Fixed issue where crafting recipes could become more expensive
• Fixed an issue where a character would continue to carry a corpse after cancelling the carry corpse job
• Added code to lock the Damage Amplifier recipe on saves which have it unlocked when it shouldn’t be
• Fixed an issue with the Keg Burner continuing to produce heat when manually extinguished
• Fixed an issue where faction quests may not start/spawn and then become stuck
• Fixed issue with cooking icon on the crafting panel not highlighting
• Increased the number of members who can interact with a water butts and pantries at once
o Stops the job failing if there was someone else using the object
• CTK Mob leader no longer drops the c Morningstar when defeated
• Fixed issue where the unconscious timer could become stuck indefinitely
• Fixed issue with vehicle chassis not spawning
• When eating, members will now use the closest table to them
• Fixed issue with colour picker when selecting eye colour on the character customisation
• Fixed issue with faction quests not providing the correct rewards
• Fixed issue where the “Invest Invest Invest” quest could not be finished
Changed files in this update