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Stickit update for 13 December 2021

Introduction of Practice Lamps

Share · View all patches · Build 7874884 · Last edited 13 December 2021 – 14:59:19 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Due to popular demand from speedrunners and casual players alike, "Practice Lamps" have been introduced to the game.

Practice Lamps can be placed with the R key, after which the following applies:

  • Moving out of range from the Practice Lamp (same range as the Flycam) will respawn you at the Practice Lamp
  • Falling out of bounds (causing a respawn), will respawn the player at the Practice Lamp.
  • Force restarting (causing a respawn), will respawn the player at the Practice Lamp.
  • The Practice Lamp can be removed by pressing the R key again, but only if the player is next to the Practice Lamp.

This mechanic allows players to practice certain segments without risk of failure, however in order to progress in the level they need to remove the "safety net", the Practice Lamp, and do the segment for real.

Furthermore another set of achievements have been added, labeled HARD, these are only obtainable if the player hasn't used Practice Lamps at all in their current run (A "run" starts from when the player respawns at the very start).

There's now also a few UI Mode presets that you can toggle between by pressing J, this allows you to hide certain UI elements if you find them annoying. Let me know if you want further presets.

Stickit Content Depot 1828901
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